专辑简介这张是在英国发行的版本,少收录了一首Sad。增加了一首新歌God Knows (You Gotta Give To Get) 没精打采的歌声和轻盈散漫的配乐,透露着无聊青春期的无聊情绪,将百无聊赖的忧愁、喜悦、幻想和玩世不恭演绎得烟雾缭绕,既动听又无所事事。每首歌听起来好像都一样,或许会有些乏味,但听过之后,总是意犹未尽。
- 2703597|God Knows (You Gotta Give To Get)|14848|El Perro Del Mar|211419|You Gotta Give To Get|2106284|244|9|1|1|0|3909488|192000|0|0|0|0|0|0|003w3Dlc4DHcC3|004MnVpO4P5ibw|0010oMro2hllhq|0|8013
- God Knows (You Gotta Give To Get)
- El Perro Del Mar
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- 2703596|Do The Dog|14848|El Perro Del Mar|211419|You Gotta Give To Get|1555838|180|9|1|1|0|2888785|192000|0|0|0|0|0|0|002dW5Ae0eEqSv|004MnVpO4P5ibw|0010oMro2hllhq|0|8013
- Do The Dog
- El Perro Del Mar
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- 2703598|Say|14848|El Perro Del Mar|211419|You Gotta Give To Get|1603824|185|9|1|1|0|2976961|192000|0|0|0|0|0|0|002xIb6A3cOdHx|004MnVpO4P5ibw|0010oMro2hllhq|0|8013
- Say
- El Perro Del Mar
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