专辑简介Hardwell’s eagerly anticipated new album ‘United We Are’ has a release date of January 23rd 2015. Hardwell has said the album will be more eclectic then listeners are expecting – not just sticking to the big-room beats he’s known for.
- 101830676|Follow Me|19921|Jason Derülo|930819|United We Are|1725412|199|9|1|0|0|3199713|320000|0|0|0|0|0|0|001v9mtF1LP5I7|004TfAHg2stYrs|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|0|8013
- Follow Me
- Jason Derülo
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- 101830678|Let Me Be Your Home|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|1859876|215|9|1|0|8631157|3452642|320000|0|0|0|4993515|5477592|0|0005Othq2X63Li|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- Let Me Be Your Home
- Hardwell
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- 101830680|Where Is Here Now|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|1687056|195|9|1|0|7834925|3134138|320000|0|0|0|4345571|4762909|0|0046Ow9U1ADsRF|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- Where Is Here Now
- Hardwell
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- 101830681|United We Are|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|3031064|351|9|1|0|14075063|5630198|320000|0|0|0|8994128|8935080|0|00019qXc3QNy85|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- United We Are
- Hardwell
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- 101830682|Don't Stop the Madness|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|1943080|225|9|1|0|9014638|3606037|320000|0|0|0|5616949|5591073|0|002WByES18uf1i|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- Don´t Stop the Madness
- Hardwell
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- 101830683|Young Again|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|1895056|219|9|1|0|8786827|3514898|320000|0|0|0|5380440|5525420|0|002uwn1i2mjf5G|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- Young Again
- Hardwell
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- 101830687|Nothing Can Hold Us Down|22045|Hardwell|930819|United We Are|1715870|198|9|1|0|7955102|3182217|320000|0|0|0|5043140|5162426|0|0042cg1y1YS9ex|002xao6L3n9l4w|003wlymv4ZhZXQ|31|0
- Nothing Can Hold Us Down
- Hardwell
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