- 5671104|Sunshine in My Soul|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1229432|142|7|1|0|5707231|2283149|320000|0|0|0|2826472|3307244|0|003hxy3Y1b1qDd|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Sunshine in My Soul
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- 5671111|Where He Leads Me|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|2282228|264|7|1|0|0|4235432|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0047iw3F4Cuyo3|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Where He Leads Me
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- 5671107|Will There Be Any Stars|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1181440|136|7|1|0|0|2191206|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|004ATNUj4RL98J|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Will There Be Any Stars
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- 5671105|Blessed Assurance|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1379828|160|7|1|0|6402088|2561087|320000|0|0|0|3221872|3669814|0|003NBsht1Od6dV|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Blessed Assurance
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- 5671113|We're Marching to Zion|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1053430|122|7|1|0|0|1953385|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|002UGpQO3aANsv|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- We´re Marching to Zion
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- 5671114|Standing on the Promises|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1018242|118|7|1|0|4722937|1889441|320000|0|0|0|2424264|2716853|0|001ClR720ZoBUI|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Standing on the Promises
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- 5671110|Beulah Land|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1059816|122|7|1|0|0|1963394|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|004XWlcT2uOoF3|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Beulah Land
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- 5671109|When They Ring Those Golden Bells|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|2256660|261|7|1|0|10477191|4191160|320000|0|0|0|5009289|5637380|0|003TAi8012D528|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- When They Ring Those Golden Bells
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- 5671108|Leaning on the Everlasting Arms|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|957456|111|7|1|0|4442905|1777442|320000|0|0|0|2177738|2528522|0|002ziKn84T4nNj|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
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- 5671112|Let the Lower Lights Be Burning|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1191056|138|7|1|0|5522284|2209194|320000|0|0|0|2789927|3077207|0|004F4GqW4Lffrq|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
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- 5671115|Bring Them In|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1069420|124|7|1|0|4962219|1985132|320000|0|0|0|2442994|2811791|0|0043UlmU1gi4qO|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Bring Them In
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- 5671106|Fairest Lord Jesus|16622|Burl Ives|531357|Songs of Joy|1139830|132|7|1|0|5283003|2113455|320000|0|0|0|2588962|2882895|0|001sUn9q0bLAvK|000jfTNz2YzL2A|003GzF1c0as9Ru|31|0
- Fairest Lord Jesus
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