
Do Right Man

歌手:Dan Penn
语言:英语 流派:R&B
Do Right Man
专辑简介All one needs to do is look at the song titles to know how important Dan Penn´s contribution to ´soul´ music is, but his voice is great, too. I remember an Alex Chilton,(BoxTops´ singer), interview where he mentioned his producer showing him how to sing ´The Letter´, and that all he did was imitate it,(and not as well, according to Chilton himself). That producer was Penn...After listening to ´Do Right Man´, I´m positive that Eric Clapton must have heard some old Dan Penn Demos when forming his own vocal style. I´m not a fan of ´singer-songwriter´ recordings in general, but that´s not an issue here; this is flat-out a great cd.
