Swamp Dogg
7105530|America, Here’s My Boy|199847|Swamp Dogg|647891|Beck Song Reader|1597448|185|1|1|0|7431473|2965692|320000|0|0|0|3845385|4059091|0|003Ap2UF3scKiv|0033wJvi15XP8e|003u9K994Y2zg6|31|0
Beck Song Reader
101543776|Kiss Me Hit Me Touch Me|199847|Swamp Dogg|900169|I Called for a Rope and They Threw Me a Rock (Digitally Remastered)|4019952|466|9|1|0|18666433|7466798|320000|0|0|0|11236827|11467083|0|000HT0dt2k7UPb|0033wJvi15XP8e|0018jnnr1NFz5u|31|0
I Called for a Rope and They Threw Me a Rock (Digitally Remastered)
101460568|Please Let Me Kiss You Goodbye|199847|Swamp Dogg|890221|13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)|1661598|192|1|1|0|7710724|3084542|320000|0|0|0|4151382|4645611|0|004dz4ML32Pwk4|0033wJvi15XP8e|000SmEVZ0zfI4l|31|0
13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
101460565|Sal-a-Faster|199847|Swamp Dogg|890221|13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)|1405562|163|1|1|0|6522466|2609287|320000|0|0|0|4101837|4097823|0|002XoPUE06wWzq|0033wJvi15XP8e|000SmEVZ0zfI4l|31|0
13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
101543295|Hungry Heart|199847|Swamp Dogg|900107|Give 'Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock 'N' Roll (Digitally Remastered)|2269620|263|7|1|0|10527791|4211382|320000|0|0|0|5996054|6350772|0|004a7Xgr0EMrZi|0033wJvi15XP8e|002znYL7008BBJ|31|0
Give ´Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock ´N´ Roll (Digitally Remastered)
101543781|1958|199847|Swamp Dogg|900169|I Called for a Rope and They Threw Me a Rock (Digitally Remastered)|2096714|243|9|1|0|9726248|3890702|320000|0|0|0|6301469|5908094|0|0035qAFV4MnyQY|0033wJvi15XP8e|0018jnnr1NFz5u|31|0
I Called for a Rope and They Threw Me a Rock (Digitally Remastered)
101460569|Don't You Try to Be My Man|199847|Swamp Dogg|890221|13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)|1488790|172|1|1|0|6906144|2762706|320000|0|0|0|4204812|4298332|0|000KntOp3jSIX8|0033wJvi15XP8e|000SmEVZ0zfI4l|31|0
13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
101543293|Great Balls of Fire|199847|Swamp Dogg|900107|Give 'Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock 'N' Roll (Digitally Remastered)|1728834|200|7|1|0|8025274|3210384|320000|0|0|0|4888904|5034499|0|001M2I741DyucH|0033wJvi15XP8e|002znYL7008BBJ|31|0
Give ´Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock ´N´ Roll (Digitally Remastered)
101543297|I Want to Hold Your Hand|199847|Swamp Dogg|900107|Give 'Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock 'N' Roll (Digitally Remastered)|2180044|252|7|1|0|10121349|4048820|320000|0|0|0|5647472|6131111|0|003F28se1kmc0S|0033wJvi15XP8e|002znYL7008BBJ|31|0
Give ´Em as Little as You Can… as Often as You Have To.. Or... A Tribute to Rock ´N´ Roll (Digitally Remastered)
101574674|Come on and Dance with Me|199847|Swamp Dogg|903237|Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)|5699888|661|7|1|0|26468622|10587636|320000|0|0|0|15816054|16612719|0|0003oqYT2Y5AIZ|0033wJvi15XP8e|000LNE5v3iVhXL|31|0
Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
101613210|I've Gotta Get a Message to You|199847|Swamp Dogg|907604|Rat On! (Digitally Remastered)|2109494|244|4|1|0|9786832|3914923|320000|0|0|0|5848261|5967999|0|000zAMtl0jg8aa|0033wJvi15XP8e|002NC08z0J0ShS|31|0
Rat On! (Digitally Remastered)
101460564|The Baby Is Mine|199847|Swamp Dogg|890221|13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)|1399170|162|1|1|0|6492345|2597174|320000|0|0|0|3910181|3913422|0|0006I8Sv29549n|0033wJvi15XP8e|000SmEVZ0zfI4l|31|0
13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
更多Best of 25 Years of Swamp Dogg… or F**k the Bomb, Stop the Drugs (Digitally Remastered)
13 Prime Weiners - Everything on It!: The Best of Swamp Dogg (Digitally Remastered)
Don´t Give up on Me - The Lost Country Album (Digitally Remastered)
I Called for a Rope and They Threw Me a Rock (Digitally Remastered)