Alim Qâsimov Trio
7871155|Qârâ qiz|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1869570|216|3|1|0|8675786|3470709|320000|0|0|0|5406365|5472409|0|003xdeAG2wmX8i|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871153|Nâzli yârim qârâ gözü|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1181596|136|3|1|0|0|2190526|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|003RgVJo3y7fo3|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871152|Kasmâ Shikastesi|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1789586|207|3|1|0|0|3318588|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|0014eEtr0UzNEH|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871154|Qârâ gila|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1559172|180|3|1|0|7236962|2894763|320000|0|0|0|4465761|4578761|0|003cTLUx45kQdw|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871156|Nâz nâzi|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|807170|93|3|1|0|0|1497523|128000|0|0|0|0|0|0|000me0cJ0gyGPj|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871157|Nâzli yâri|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1207174|140|3|1|0|5602742|2241495|320000|0|0|0|3510921|3529916|0|001Cr8LD0f7j1X|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871158|Tâvus kimi|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|2055174|238|3|1|0|9536782|3814693|320000|0|0|0|5947364|6042754|0|002SCgzy2s3oRK|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq
7871159|Rahâb tasnifi|279998|Alim Qâsimov Trio|722443|Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq|1482380|171|3|1|0|6870203|2748067|320000|0|0|0|4129125|4298323|0|001fpD0e0E5bxN|004CfFII0b0GJY|003QQs5H04o0D9|31|0
Azerbaidjan: Musique et chants des âshiq – Azerbaidjan: Music and Songs of the Âshiq