2. P-1
  3. p-pol
  4. P. Diddy & The Bad Boy Family
  5. P. Moroni
  6. P. Ramlee & Saloma
  7. P.A.O.L.O.
  8. P.B.C. Proud By Choice
  9. P.B.T.
  10. P.E.S.O
  11. P.F.M.
  12. P.I.C.
  13. P.L.C.
  14. P.M. Dawn
  15. P.M.I.
  16. P.O.D.
  17. P.onfroy/C.parks/S.marsden
  18. P.S.
  19. P.SUS
  20. P.T.P
  21. P.U.M.P.
  22. P.Y.T
  23. P150
  24. P9
  25. På Slaget 12
  26. På Slaget 12
  27. Päivi Paunu
  28. Pa D´Àngel
  29. Pa Pa Pa Papagena
  30. Pa Tollbom´s Offshore Quintett
  31. Paavo Berglund/Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
  32. Paavoharju
  33. Pablo
  34. Pablo and Koch
  35. Pablo Bachata
  36. Pablo Cesar
  37. Pablo Mainetti Quinteto
  38. Pablo Soto Orquesta
  39. Pablopolar
  40. Pacewon and Mr Green
  41. Pachamama
  42. Pachanga
  43. Pachelbel Chamber Orchestra
  44. Pacho & Cirilo
  45. Pacho y Cirilo
  46. Pacific Air
  47. Pacific Horns
  48. Pacific Trio
  49. pacific uv
  50. Pacifica Quartet
  51. Pacifier
  52. Pacifika
  53. PacJam
  54. Paco Hunter
  55. Padded Cell
  56. Paddock Park
  57. Paddy And The Rats
  58. Paddy Moloney
  59. Paddy´S Dream
  60. Padi
  61. Paffendorf
  62. Pagan Blood
  63. Pagan Flame
  64. Pagan Rock Allstars
  65. Pagan´s Mind
  66. Pagans
  67. Page Cavanaugh
  68. Page France
  69. Page One
  70. Pageantry
  71. Pages de la Chapelle
  72. Pago Libre
  73. Paiaka
  74. Paid In Full
  75. Paidarion
  76. Paidiki Horodia Gianni Tsiamouli
  77. Paige & Palermo
  78. Paige 23
  79. Pain
  80. Pain Confessor
  81. Pain Killah Crew
  82. Pain of Salvation
  83. Pain Within
  84. Painkiller
  85. Painkiller Hotel
  86. Paint By Numbers
  87. Paint It Black
  88. Painted Horse
  89. Painted Orange
  90. Painted Palms
  91. Painter
  92. Painty The Pirate and Kids
  93. Pair a´ Dice
  94. Paizo Kvartetten
  95. Pajala Truck Co
  97. Pajama Party
  98. Pajaro En Mano
  99. Pajaro Sunrise
  100. Pakle
  101. Pal@pop
  102. Pala
  103. Pala Copeland and Jeff Davies
  104. Palace Brothers
  105. Palast Orchester
  106. Palast Orchester Mit Seinem Sänger Max Raabe
  107. Palava
  108. Pale
  109. Pale Blue Dot
  110. Pale Creation
  111. Pale Forest
  112. Pale Green Pants
  113. Pale Sunday
  114. Pale White Trash
  115. Palehorse
  116. Pali e Dispari
  117. Palisade
  118. Palisades
  119. Palisandro
  120. Palladium
  121. Pallas
  122. Pallatto & Vente
  123. Pallbearer
  124. Palle Pirat
  125. Palma Party Projekt
  126. Palmdale
  127. Palmer & Riner
  129. Palmetto Jazz Quartet
  130. Palo q´sea
  131. Palo!
  132. Palomar
  133. Palooka Washboard Band
  134. Palov & Mishkin
  135. Palyrria
  136. Palz & Garcia
  137. Pama International
  138. PAmagieRA
  139. Pamela Jain
  140. Pan & Regaliz
  141. Pan De Dioses
  142. Pan De Higo
  143. Pan Pipes
  144. Pan Sonic
  145. Panagiotis Koutsouras
  146. Panama
  147. Panama Limited Jug Band
  148. Panamah
  149. Panbers
  150. Pancho Amat Y El Cabildo Del Son
  151. Pancho Villa & The Bandits
  152. Panda
  153. Panda de Triana
  154. PandaCorn
  155. Pandemonium
  157. Pandit Jagdish Prasad
  158. Pandit Ronu Mazumdar
  159. Pandora
  160. Pandora (WM)
  161. Pandorium
  162. Panetoz
  163. Panfila
  164. Panic At The Disco
  165. Panic Room
  166. Panic! At The Disco
  167. Panica
  168. Panico
  169. PaniK
  170. Panima
  171. Panjabi MC
  172. Panocha Quartet
  173. Panoptica Orchestra
  174. Panos Athanasiou
  175. Panos Kalidis
  176. Pans Motive
  177. Panta Rei
  178. Pantanito
  179. Panteon Rococo
  180. Pantera
  181. Pantheon
  182. Panther
  183. Panthers
  184. Pants and Corset
  185. Pants Velour
  186. Pantxoa Eta Peio
  187. Panurge
  188. Panzerchrist
  189. Paola
  190. Paolo 77
  191. Paolo 77, Simon Vegas & Cenett
  192. Paolo Baldan Bembo Orchestra
  193. Paolo Benvegnu
  194. Paolo Birro Trio
  195. Paolo Lovera & Compagnia D´Opera Italiana
  196. Paolo Pollastri and Giovanna Losco
  197. Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bord
  198. PAPA
  199. Papa Benny´s Jazzband
  200. Papa Bue´s Viking Jazzband
  201. Papa Bues Viking Jazz Band
  202. Papa Charlie´s Boys
  203. Papa Daddy and P.G-13
  204. Papa Joe Grappa
  205. Papa Noel Y Sus Duendes
  206. Papa Roach
  207. Papagallo & Gollo
  208. Papando Moscas
  209. Paparazzi
  210. Papas Da Lngua
  211. Papas Fritas
  212. PAPAZ
  213. Paper Aeroplanes
  214. Paper Airplane Pilots
  215. Paper Beat Scissors
  216. Paper Bird
  217. Paper Crows
  218. Paper Dolls
  219. Paper Lace
  220. Paper Lions
  221. Paper Rival
  222. Paper Route
  223. Paper Wolves
  224. papercranes
  225. Papercut Massacre
  226. papercuts
  227. Paperlung
  228. Papertiger Sound
  229. PaperTrail Productions
  230. Papi Oviedo
  231. Papkasseshow
  232. Paqua
  233. Par-T-One-V-INXS
  234. Para
  235. Parabellum
  236. Parachute
  237. Parachute Express
  238. Parachutes
  239. Parade Of Lights
  240. Paradice
  241. paradigm lost
  242. Paradigma
  243. Paradise Fears
  244. Paradise Island
  245. Paradise Live
  246. Paradise Lost
  247. Paradise Soul
  248. Paradise Worship
  249. Paradiso Girls
  250. Paragon
  251. Paragon Ragtime Orchestra
  252. Paralelo 33Ao
  253. Paralelo Norte de Chuy Casas
  254. Parallax 1
  255. Parallel Dance Ensemble
  256. Parallel or 90 Degrees
  257. Parallel String Band
  258. Parallel Thought
  259. Parallels
  260. Paramount Jubilee Singers
  261. Paramount Ladies Four
  262. Paramount Pictures Studio Orchestra
  263. Paramount Singers
  264. Parance E Cia
  265. Paranoid
  266. Paranoise
  267. Parasite Inc.
  268. Paraxenes Meres
  269. Parchis
  270. Pardinho & Pardal
  271. Parenthetical Girls
  272. Parents
  273. Parforcehorn Corps Norderstedt
  274. Parfum Latin
  275. Pariah
  276. Paris & Simo
  277. Paris Angels
  278. Paris Brune
  279. Paris Combo
  280. Paris Conservatoire Orchestra
  281. Paris Encore
  282. Paris King vs Lucky Date
  283. Paris Lounge
  284. Paris Opera Orchestra
  285. Paris Opera-Comique Orchestra
  286. Paris Radio Symphony Orchestra
  287. Paris Symphonic Orchestra
  288. Paris Texas
  289. Park
  290. Park Ave.
  291. Park Hotell
  292. Parka
  293. Parker & Hanson
  294. Parker Theory
  295. Parkers Brother
  296. Parking
  297. Parkinson
  298. Parkside Players
  299. Parkview Baptist School Praise Team
  300. Parkway Drive
  301. Parliament
  302. Parlour Boys
  303. Parlours
  304. Parlovr
  305. Parmalee
  306. Parni Valjak
  307. Parquet Courts
  308. Parralox
  309. Part Chimp
  310. Part of Me
  311. Part Six
  312. Part-Time Friends
  313. Participants Of South India Female Choir
  314. Partido
  315. Partied Out
  316. Partland Brothers
  317. Partner
  318. Partners in Crime
  319. Partners In Kryme
  320. Partners N´ Praise Ministries
  321. Parts & Labor
  322. Party
  323. Party Animals
  324. Party Band
  325. Party Connection
  326. Party Makers
  327. Party Music Unlimited
  328. Party People
  329. Party Starters
  330. Partypimpz
  331. Partyzona Music Team
  332. Parzival
  333. Pasadena
  334. Pasadena Symphony
  335. Pascal Gaigne
  336. Pascal Pinon
  337. Pascal Schumacher Quartet
  338. Pascale Borel
  339. Pascale Picard Band
  340. Pascualito Y Su Tumbao Habana
  341. Pash-En
  342. Pasi Ja Pekka
  343. Paska
  345. Pasquale Catalano & Fabrizio Romano
  346. Pasquale Catalano & Onda Nueve String Quartet
  347. Passafire
  348. Passenger
  349. Passi
  350. Passion
  351. Passion Fodder
  352. Passion Fruit
  353. Passion Pit
  354. Passionworks
  355. Passport
  356. Pastaboys
  357. Pastellerna
  358. Pastilla
  359. Pastor Leroy and Dewayne Williams
  360. Pastor Roderick L. Hennings
  361. Pastores De San Agustin
  362. Pastoret i Pilareta García
  363. Pastorets Rock
  364. Pasvaldidas Majaslapa Chamber Orchestra
  365. Pat Bonen mit seinem Tanzorchester
  366. Pat D & Lady Paradox
  367. Pat McGee Band
  368. Pat McGlynn Band
  369. Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau
  370. Pat Metheny Group
  371. Pat Ortman
  372. Pat The Cat
  373. Pat Travers And Carmine Appice
  374. Patachou
  375. Patatas Chipas Club
  376. Patch and The Giant
  377. Patch-1
  378. Patchwork Grace
  379. Pate de Fua
  380. Patenbrigade: Wolff
  381. Patent Pending
  382. Path Of Resistance
  383. Pathfinder
  384. Pathosray
  385. Paths Of Possession
  386. Patience & Prudence
  387. Patience and Prudence
  388. Pato Banton & the Reggae Revolution
  389. Pato Banton And The Reggae Revolution
  390. Pato Fu
  391. Patra
  392. Patria Lima
  393. Patriarcas de la Rumba
  394. Patrice Holloway
  395. Patrice PEYRIERAS & Sébastien FARGE
  396. Patricia Marx & Bruno E.
  397. Patricia Petibon, Sophie Marin-Degor, Nicolas Rivenq, Clive Bayley, William Christie & Les Arts Florissants
  398. Patricia Teheran Y sus Diosas Del Vallenato
  399. Patrick Bishop
  400. Patrick Demenga & Gerard Wyss
  402. Patrick Nkuna
  403. Patrick Rydman
  404. Patrick Street
  405. Patrick Vining
  406. Patrick Watson
  407. Patrik
  408. Patriot
  409. Patriotic Fathers
  410. Patrulla 81
  411. Patterns
  412. Patti LaBelle, Kenny Gamble, Temple University Symphony Orchestra & Choirs
  413. Patti LuPone, Howard McGillin
  414. Patti O & Mo´Sknz
  415. Patti Smith Group
  416. Patty & The Emblems
  417. Paukkumaissi
  418. Paul & Paula
  419. Paul Adam & His Mayfair Music
  420. Paul Avgerinos
  421. Paul Baloche and Friends
  422. Paul Borgese and the Strawberry Traffic Jam
  423. Paul Cebar And The Milwaukeeans
  424. Paul Collins & The Beat
  425. Paul Collins´ Beat
  426. Paul Desmond & The Modern Jazz Quartet
  427. Paul Eugene Beck
  428. Paul Fenoulhet With The Skyrockets
  429. Paul Finnerty´s Riff Raff Jazz Band
  430. Paul Gemignani
  431. Paul Goddard
  432. Paul Goodwin, Mark Bennett, Trevor Pinnock
  433. Paul Grabowsky Trio
  434. Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott
  435. Paul Howard´s Quality Serenaders
  436. Paul Johnson & Candi Staton
  437. Paul Kantner/Jefferson Starship
  438. Paul Kletzki/Philharmonia Orchestra
  439. Paul Kuentz Chamber Orchestra
  440. Paul Kuhn Und Sein Bar-Sextett
  441. Paul Kuhn Und Sein Bar-Trio
  442. Paul Maddox & Niki Mak
  443. Paul Murphy Band
  444. Paul Neville
  445. Paul Oakenfold and Marco V
  446. Paul Owens & APC (Anointed Praise Chorale)
  447. Paul Owens And APC
  448. Paul Oxley
  449. Paul Oxley´s Unit
  450. Paul Revere & The Raiders
  451. Paul Sequence Ferguson
  452. Paul Specht & His Orchestra
  453. Paul Thomas
  454. Paul Tremaine & His Aristocrats
  455. Paul Tripp
  456. Paul Weston & His Orchestra
  457. Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra
  458. Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
  459. Paul Williams & The Big Roll Band
  460. Paul Winter Sextet
  461. Paula & Ofra Haza Abdul
  462. Paula And Karol
  463. Paula Cole Band
  464. Paula With The Wild Pair Abdul
  465. Paulaner Brothers
  466. Pauli Hanhiniemen Perunateatteri
  467. Paulie Pesh
  468. Pauline Morris
  469. Paulinho Gama E Adelita
  470. Paulo Moura & Os Batutas
  471. Paulson
  472. Pavarotti & Friends
  473. Pavel Haas Quartet
  474. Pavel Kashin i NLP
  475. Pavel Slobodkin Centre Orchestra
  476. Pavement
  477. Pavlov´s Dog
  478. Paw&Lina
  480. PawnShop kings
  481. PAWS
  482. Pax
  483. Pax Art Ensemble
  484. Pax217
  485. Pay As U Go
  486. Pay The Girl
  487. Payola
  488. Paypa
  489. PBH Club
  490. PBJ
  491. PBR Street Band
  492. PBR Streetgang
  493. PC Synergy
  494. PCP
  495. PCP-Peter Camp Playaz
  496. PDP
  497. Pe & Jana
  498. Peña Feminina Flamenca De Huelva
  499. Peabo Bryson
  500. Peace
  501. Peace Of Mind
  502. Peaceful Harmonic Orchestra
  503. Peaceful Waters Symphony
  504. PeaceTreaty
  505. Peach
  506. Peachcake
  507. Peaches & Bobo
  508. Peaches & Herb
  509. Peaches & Herb
  510. Peachfuzz
  511. Peaking Lights
  512. Peanut Butter Lovesicle
  513. Peanut The Kidnapper
  514. Peao Carreiro E Ze Paulo
  515. Pearl & The Puppets
  516. Pearl And The Beard
  517. Pearl Brick
  518. Pearl Harbor Speakers
  519. Pearl Jam
  520. Pearl Street Jazz Band
  521. Pearlene
  522. Pearls Before Swine
  523. Pearls For Pigs
  524. Pearls Negras
  525. Pearly Gates
  526. Peasant´s King
  527. Peatbog Faeries
  528. Peawees
  529. Pebaluna
  530. Pebblee-Poo
  531. Pectus
  532. Peculiar People Band
  533. Ped Xing
  535. Pedra D´ Hera
  536. Pedra Leticia
  537. Pedro Bento E Ze Da Estrada
  538. Pedro Bento, Z Da Estrada E Celinho
  539. Pedro Duraes
  540. Pedro Ferriz de Con
  541. Pedro Infantes y sus Amigos
  542. Pedro Laurenz y su Orquesta Típica
  543. Pedro Luis E A Parede
  544. Pedro ObregA3n
  545. Pedro Y Manuel
  546. Pedro Y Pablo
  547. Pedro, Man, Officer Clyde & Sgt. Stedenko
  548. Pedros Heavy Gentleman
  549. Pee Wee Ellis
  550. Pee Wee Russell
  551. Peel
  552. Peeping Tom
  553. Peer
  554. Peet Project
  555. Peetie Wheatstraw & His Blue Blowers
  556. Pegazus
  557. Peggo and Paul
  558. Peggosus
  559. Peggy Sue
  560. Peix Fregit
  561. Peking Duk
  562. Pekka Ja Susi
  563. Pekka Kuusisto & Raija Kerppo
  564. Pelari
  565. Pelbo
  566. Pele
  567. Pele & Shawnecy
  568. Pelle Almgren & Wow Liksom
  569. Pelle Miljoona & Rockers
  570. Pelle Miljoona 1980
  571. Pelle Miljoona Unabomber
  572. Pelo Gato 24
  573. Peloma Bokiou
  574. Pen Up Girls
  575. Pena Branca e Xavantinho
  576. Penal Colony
  577. Penaranda
  578. Pendentif
  579. Penetrate
  580. Pengu!ns
  581. Penmanship In Plastic
  582. Pennan Brae
  583. Penniless People Of Bulgaria
  584. Pennrose Classical Players
  585. Penny Peeps
  586. Penny Rae
  587. Penny´s Pet Dragonfly
  588. Pennywise
  589. Pens
  590. Pensees Nocturnes
  591. Pentagono
  592. Pentangle
  593. Pentatonix
  594. Penthouse All-Stars
  595. Penthouse Playboys
  596. Penthouse Players Clique
  598. Penumbra
  599. Penumbrae
  600. PenUp Girls
  601. People / Al Jarreau and Brenda Russell
  602. People / Chaka Khan and Ivan Lins
  603. People / Dave Koz and Jason Miles
  604. People / Grover Washington Jr.
  605. People / Heavy D
  606. People / Jason Miles
  607. People / Lebo M.
  608. People / Peabo Bryson
  609. People / Peabo Bryson and Lea Salonga
  610. People / Sounds of Blackness
  611. People / Vanessa Williams
  612. People Alive
  613. People In Planes
  614. People Of ´K´
  615. People Of The North Pole
  616. People Of The Sun
  617. People On Vacation
  618. People Under The Stairs
  619. People Underground
  620. Pep & Rash
  621. Pep Sala
  622. Pep Sala & La Banda Del Bar
  623. Pep´s
  624. Pepe & The Bottle Blondes
  625. Pepe Castillo and Cuatromania
  626. Pepe Deluxé
  627. Pepe E Nenem
  628. Pepe Lara Con Jesus Moreno
  629. Pepe Nuñez El Loreño
  630. Pepe Vaamonde Grupo
  631. Pepet I Marieta
  632. Pepito Ros e A.M.P.
  633. Pepper
  634. Pepper Rabbit
  635. Peppermoon
  636. Peps
  637. Peps Persson
  638. Pequeña Orquesta Reincidentes
  639. PeR
  640. Per & the Ouagadougou Blues Quartet
  641. Per Goldschmidt
  642. Per Mission
  643. Per Paalsson And Jesper Sivebaek
  644. Per7ume
  645. Peräst´troikaa Orchestra
  646. Pera Pera
  647. Percewood´s Onagram
  648. Percusión en Concierto
  649. Percy Faith
  650. Percy Faith & His Orchestra
  651. Percy Faith and His Orchestra
  652. Percy Faith, his orchestra and chorus
  653. Percy Howard
  654. Pere Ubu
  655. Pereza
  656. Perfect
  657. Perfect Pussy
  658. Perfect Strangers
  659. Perfekt Gentlemen
  660. Performance
  661. Perfume Genius
  663. Pergamum
  664. Perigeo
  665. Peril
  666. Perky, Ashman & Anita Kelsey
  667. Perlman Peterson
  668. Permanent Me
  669. Pernice Brothers Goodbye Killer
  670. Perpetual Escape
  671. Perpetual Ocean
  672. Perrey And Kingsley
  673. Perrion
  674. Perry & Sanlin
  675. Perry Bradford´s Jazz Phools
  676. Perry Grant
  677. Perry Twins
  678. Persefone
  679. Persephone
  680. Persephone´s Dream
  681. Persequor
  682. Perseverance
  683. Persianettes
  684. Persistence In Mourning
  685. Person to Person
  686. Persona
  687. Personal
  688. Persuader
  689. Pert Nikl & Lakomé Barky
  690. Pertness
  691. Perturbazione
  692. Peruna Jazzmen
  693. Pervez Quadir
  694. Pery Ribeiro & Coro
  695. Pesado
  696. Pescado Rabioso
  697. Pescadors De Calella
  698. Pesek/Royal Liverpool Philh.O.
  699. Pest
  700. Pestilence
  701. Pestroy
  702. Pet
  703. Pet Lions
  704. Pet Shop Boys
  705. Pet Soul Boys
  706. Pete Alderton & Jens Hausmann
  707. Pete Amador Y Su Conjunto
  708. Pete And Repeat
  709. Pete Best
  710. Pete Brown & His Battered Ornaments
  711. Pete Brown & Piblokto!
  712. Pete Heller´s Big Love
  713. Pete Krebs
  714. Pete Moss
  715. Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell
  716. Pete Namlook & Various
  717. Pete Philly & Perquisite
  718. Pete Rock & CL Smooth
  719. Pete Sutherland
  720. Pete Zimmer Quintet
  721. Petelius & Kivinen
  722. Peter & De Andre Kopier
  723. Peter & Ellen Allard
  724. Peter & The Chiefs
  725. Peter & The Test Tube Babies
  726. Peter And Gordon
  727. Peter and Kerry
  728. Peter Bic Project
  729. Peter Bit Orchester
  730. Peter Bjorn & John
  731. Peter Bjorn And John
  732. Peter Blakeley
  733. Peter Blast
  734. Peter Brötzmann Group
  735. Peter BrA tzmann Trio
  736. Peter Cmorik Band
  737. Peter Cook & Dudley Moore
  738. Peter Crosa
  739. Peter Hamilton Orchestra
  740. Peter Hughes Orchestra
  741. Peter Jarvis and His Drum Corps
  742. Peter Jay & The Jaywalkers
  743. Peter Juergens
  744. Peter Kay´s Animated
  745. Peter Lloyd
  746. Peter Malick Group
  747. Peter Mathers
  748. Peter Mokoena
  749. Peter Nissens N.O. Band
  750. Peter Norton v Justinio
  751. Peter O. Ekbergs System
  752. Peter Pan Carollers
  753. Peter Pan Kids
  754. Peter Pan Pixie Players
  755. Peter Rosenberg & Popchips Present
  756. Peter Rosendal Trio
  757. Peter Schreier & Konrad Ragossnig
  758. Peter Sommer
  759. Peter Spink Band
  760. Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra
  761. Peter Thorup 16 tons
  762. Peter Trappen
  763. Peter Wolf Crier
  764. Peter Yorke And his Concert Orchestra
  765. Peter´s Farm
  766. Peter, Paul and Mary
  767. Petersen Quartet
  768. Peter,Paul & Mary
  769. Petia
  770. Petland
  771. Peto Tazok & Karaoke Tundra
  772. Petra
  773. Petra Frey
  774. Petra Zieger & Band
  775. Petra Ziegler & Band
  776. Petrels
  777. Petrograd
  778. Petter & The Pix
  779. Petticoat Junction
  780. Petty
  781. Pevides de Cabaça
  782. Pez Band
  783. PF Project
  784. PFR
  785. Pg.Lost
  786. Ph.D.
  787. PH3
  788. Phaedrus
  789. Phajja
  790. Phalo Pantoja
  791. Phantasm
  792. Phantogram
  793. Phantom Cruisers
  794. Phantom Engineer
  795. Phantom Lord
  796. Phantom Of The Opera Cast
  797. Phantom Of The Opera Original London Cast
  798. Phantom Planet
  799. Phantom Pregnancies
  800. Phantom Rocker
  801. Phantom(欧美)
  802. Pharaoh´s Daughter
  803. Pharfar
  804. Pharrell & Gwen Stefani
  805. Phase 73
  806. PHASES
  807. Phat Fred
  808. Phatjak
  809. Phavia Kujichagulia & Ma´at
  810. Phazers On High
  811. Phazes
  812. Phestur
  813. Phil and the Osophers
  814. Phil Cross and The Poet Voices
  815. Phil Fearon & Galaxy
  816. Phil Forbes
  817. Phil Jones & the Unknown Blues
  818. Phil Ogden Band
  819. Phil Robson
  820. Phil Spector
  821. Phil Upchurch Combo
  822. Phil Woods Quintet
  823. Philadelphia Bluntz
  824. Philadelphia Grand Jury
  825. Philadelphia Orchestra
  826. Philadelphia Orchestra/Riccado muti
  827. Philarmonia Orchestra
  828. Philharmonia Chor Wien
  829. Philharmonia Chorale
  830. Philharmonia Chorus
  831. Philharmonia Chorus London
  832. Philharmonia Hungarica
  833. Philharmonia Orchestra
  834. Philharmonia Orchestra
  835. Philharmonia Orchestra & Chorus
  836. Philharmonia Orchestra/Yevgeny Swetlanov
  837. Philharmonia Polonica
  838. Philharmonia Promenade Orchestra
  839. Philharmonia Quartett Berlin
  840. Philharmonia Slavonica
  841. Philharmonia Virtuosi
  842. Philharmonia Virtuosi of New York
  843. Philharmonic Festival Orchestra
  844. Philharmonic Orchestra
  845. Philharmonic Weed
  846. Philharmonica Orchestral
  847. Philharmonische Virtuosen Berlin
  848. Philharmonisches ´Orchester des Staatstheaters Cottbus, Evan Christ, Friederike Roth, Johannes Gmeinder
  849. Philharmonisches Orchester Brünn
  850. Philharmonisches Staatsorcheste Hamburg
  851. Philieano
  852. Philip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip GlassPhilip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Philip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip GlassPhilip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip
  853. Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
  854. Philip Jones Ensemble
  855. Philip Ledger/English Chamber Orchestra/King´s College Choir Cambridge
  856. Philippe Aerts Quartet
  857. Philippe Bearbeau & Martine Toosico
  858. Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs
  859. Philippe Saisse Trio
  860. Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub
  861. Phillip Boa And The Voodooclub
  862. Phillip Larue
  863. Phillips & Craig & Dean
  864. Philly Factor
  865. Philly Joe Jones Sextet
  866. Philly´s Most Wanted
  867. Philmont
  868. Philmore
  869. Philomusica of London
  870. Phish
  871. Phishbacher
  872. Phixx
  873. Phlowtron
  874. Phobia
  875. Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws
  876. Phoenix
  877. Phoenix 2003
  878. Phoenix And The Turtle
  879. Phoenix Pearle
  880. Phoenix Rizing
  881. Phon
  882. Phonat
  883. Phone Calls From Home
  884. phoneonthecob
  885. PhonJaxx
  886. Phonograph
  887. Phonophobie
  888. Phony PPL
  889. Phosphorescent
  890. Photo Atlas
  891. Photronique
  892. Phox
  893. Phrasenmäher
  894. Phronesis
  895. Phunk Junkeez
  896. Phunk Style Posse
  897. Phunksolution
  898. Phuture
  899. Phuture Disco Funk
  900. Phyllis & Lawrence
  901. Phylr
  902. Physical Forms
  903. Physics
  904. Phèdre
  905. Pia Mia & Bella Thorne
  906. Pia Robbins
  907. Piano Circus
  908. Piano Magic
  909. Piano Meets Vibes
  910. Piano Red
  911. Piano Seven
  912. Piano Tribute Players
  913. Pianochocolate
  914. PianoClassicsOnline.com
  915. Pianoduo Mephisto
  916. Pianos Become The Teeth
  917. Piazzolla Classic Ensemble
  918. Picante Latino
  919. Piccola Bottega Baltazar
  920. Piccole Ore Le
  921. Piccoli Cantori Di Niny Comolli
  922. Piccolo Coro dei Monelli
  923. Piccolo Coro Dell´Antoniano
  924. Pickers
  925. Pickup The Harp
  926. Pick`n`Mix
  927. Pics
  928. Picture It In Ruins
  929. Picture Me Broken
  930. Piebald
  931. Piece By Piece
  932. Pieces Of A Dream
  933. Pieces Of Dreams
  934. Pied Piper
  935. Piedmont Sorpid
  936. Piel De Pueblo
  937. Piel Plastica
  938. Piem & Danny Murphy
  939. Pienvedēja piedzīvojumi
  940. Pierce
  941. Pierce The Veil
  942. Pierced Arrows
  943. Pierre Boulez & Ensemble InterContemporain
  944. Pierre Monteux; Roberta Peters, Risë Stevens, Lucine Amara, Richard Tucker, Martial Singher
  945. Pierre Pierlot & Claudio Scimone
  946. Pierre Ravan & Safar & Divasonic
  947. Pietro Attila & The Warlocks
  948. Pig and Sow
  949. Pig Beast
  950. Pig Destroyer
  951. Pigbag
  952. Pigeon
  953. Pigeon Detectives
  954. Pigeonhed
  955. Pigface
  956. Pigmy Love Circus
  957. Pignoise
  958. Pigs in Mud
  959. Pigsty
  960. Pigswear
  961. Piiri Pieni Pyörii
  962. Pijon
  963. Pikku-Marjan Eläinlauluja
  964. Pilar Moraguez & Arabel Moraguez
  965. Piledriver
  966. Pilgrim
  967. Pilgrims
  968. Pilgrims´ Way
  969. Pilichowski Band
  970. Pillar
  971. Pillars and Tongues
  972. Pillory
  973. Pills
  974. Pilo
  975. Pilomotor
  976. Pilos Puntos
  977. Pilot Guides Presents
  978. Pilot Speed
  979. Pilote
  980. Piloto Ciego
  981. Pilskills
  982. Piment & Simone
  983. Pimp
  984. Pimpline & The Defenites
  985. PiN
  986. Pin Pan Pun Band
  987. Pinback
  988. Pineal Ventana
  989. Pinetop´s Boogiemen
  990. Ping Ping
  991. Ping Pong Boys
  992. Pinhead Society
  993. Piniartut
  994. Pink & Black
  995. Pink Cream 69
  996. Pink Floyd
  997. Pink Frost
  998. Pink Grease
  999. Pink Is Punk
  1000. Pink Martini
  1001. Pink Mountaintops
  1002. Pink-E-Swear
  1003. Pinkard & Bowden
  1004. Pinkerton´s Assorted Colours
  1005. Pinkish Black
  1006. Pinkman & White
  1007. Pinkostar
  1008. Pinkston
  1009. Pinky & Perky
  1010. Pinky Winters
  1011. Pinmonkey
  1012. PINS
  1013. Pinup Girls
  1014. Pinups
  1015. Pio Trevino Y Majic
  1016. Pipe Major Jim Drury & Julia McGurk
  1017. Pipes
  1018. Pipes & Drums Of The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
  1019. Pipes & Drums Of The Gordon Highlanders
  1020. Pipes And Drums Of The Royal Highland Fusiliers
  1021. Pipes and Drums of the Scots Guards 2nd Battalion
  1022. Pipestone Creek
  1023. Pipoka
  1024. Pipschips & Videoclips
  1025. Piquillines
  1026. Piramide
  1027. Piramis
  1028. Pirate Radio
  1029. Pirates Of The Caribbean Tribute
  1030. Pirates Of The Mississippi
  1031. Pirates of the Sea
  1032. Pirats Sound Sistema
  1033. Pire
  1034. Pirigoso E Sua Sanfona
  1035. Pirineos Jazz
  1037. Piron´s New Orleans Orchestra
  1038. Piroth
  1039. Piru Kange
  1040. Pist´N´Broke
  1041. Pistol Annies
  1042. Pistones
  1043. Pit Brothers Band
  1044. Pit Er Pat
  1045. Pitbull Daycare
  1046. Pitbull Feat. Lil Jon, Sensato, Black Point & El Cata
  1047. Pitbull featuring Akon
  1048. Pitbulls In The Nursery
  1049. Pitch Black
  1050. Pitchshifter
  1051. Pitjorestàstu
  1052. Pittbull Daycare
  1053. Pitti Polak
  1054. Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
  1055. Pitura Freska
  1056. Pity Sex
  1057. Pivaritrio
  1058. Pivitplex
  1059. Pix Lax
  1060. Pixel
  1061. Pixel Cheese
  1062. Pixies
  1063. Pixote
  1064. Pixy & Moro(pimo)
  1065. Piztiak
  1066. Pizza
  1067. Pj Harvey and Gordon Gano
  1068. PK Project
  1069. Pl@netarium
  1070. Place Of Skulls
  1071. Place Vendome
  1072. Place Your Bets
  1073. Placebo
  1074. Places
  1075. Places Of Power
  1076. Places To Park
  1077. Placid
  1078. Placido Domingo - Ying Huang - Michael Bolton
  1079. Placido Domingo, Jos¨¦ Carreras und Diana Ross
  1080. Plague Bringer
  1081. Plague Vendor
  1082. Plaid
  1083. Plaid Retina
  1084. Plain Pits
  1085. Plain White T´s
  1086. Plainsong
  1087. Plan A Project
  1088. Plan Three
  1089. Planecrash
  1090. Planes Mistaken For Stars
  1091. Planescape
  1092. Planeside
  1093. Planet Creep
  1094. Planet Jazz
  1095. Planet Mongrel
  1096. Planet Of The Poodles
  1097. Planet Perfecto Knights
  1098. Planet Soul
  1099. Planet VI
  1100. Planeta Fontso
  1101. Planeta Imaginario
  1102. Planeta Lem
  1103. Planetary Sol
  1104. Planetshakers
  1105. Plankeye
  1106. Plants and Animals
  1107. Planxty
  1108. Plasdance
  1109. Plasson / Hendricks / Van Dam
  1110. Plastic Crimewave Sound
  1111. Plastic Explosive
  1112. Plastic Ivy
  1113. Plastic Little
  1114. Plastic Ono Band
  1115. Plastic Operator
  1116. Plastic Parachute
  1117. Plastik Lies
  1118. Plastilina Mosh
  1119. Plastiscines
  1120. Plastnoist
  1121. Plastron
  1122. Plateau
  1123. Platens
  1124. Platero Y Tu
  1125. Platinum
  1126. Platinum Girls
  1127. Platinum Hit Cast
  1128. Platinum Souls
  1129. Platinum Weird
  1130. Plattenspiele
  1131. Plavu
  1132. Play
  1133. Play Dead
  1134. Play-N-Skillz
  1135. Playa Fly
  1136. Playa Limbo
  1137. Playa Poncho
  1138. Playaz Circle
  1139. PLAYB4CK
  1140. Playback
  1141. Player
  1142. Player A
  1143. Playfellow
  1144. Playground
  1145. Playground International
  1146. Playground Noise
  1147. Playgroup
  1148. Playing For Change
  1149. Playing For Change Performers
  1150. Playmaker
  1151. Playmates
  1152. PLAYMEN
  1153. Playmen & Alceen
  1154. Playmen & Claydee
  1155. Plaza suR
  1156. PLC
  1157. Pleasant Grove
  1158. Pleasure Dome
  1159. Pleasure Forever
  1160. Pleasure Principle
  1161. Pleasure Seekers
  1162. Pleasurecrush
  1163. Pleasureville
  1164. Pleather
  1165. Plebe Rude
  1166. PLEJ
  1167. Plena Libre
  1168. Plocek & Suranská
  1169. Plouen Catximbes
  1170. Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra
  1171. Plovdiv`s Children`s Choir
  1172. Plow United
  1173. Plug In
  1174. Plumbo
  1175. Plumm
  1176. Plump Djs
  1177. Plus
  1178. Plus 44
  1179. Plus One
  1180. Plushgun
  1181. Pluto
  1182. Pluto Project
  1183. Pluton & Skyer
  1184. Plutonium 74
  1185. plymouth, conrad
  1186. Plüsch
  1187. PM Dawn
  1188. PMM
  1189. PMMP
  1190. Pnau
  1191. PNC
  1192. PNDC & Housework
  1193. Po and the 4fathers
  1194. PO PO
  1195. Po´ Girl
  1196. Pobrezza
  1197. Pochi Y Su Cocoband
  1198. Pocket Checkers
  1199. Pocket Dwellers
  1200. Pocket Full of Rocks
  1201. Pocket Genius
  1202. Pocket Novel Mystery
  1203. Pockets
  1204. Poco
  1205. Pod Buda
  1206. Pod Cerny vrch
  1207. Poder Latino in da House
  1208. Poder Norteno
  1209. Poema
  1210. Poems For Jamiro
  1211. Poet And The Roots
  1212. Poetic Ammo
  1213. Poetic Justice
  1214. Poets
  1215. Poets Of The Fall
  1216. Pogo & Tristan
  1218. Poi Dog Pondering
  1219. Point
  1220. Point Blank a.k.a. Secret Cinema
  1221. Point Blank Rage
  1222. Point Break
  1223. Point Of Ares
  1224. Point Of Grace
  1225. Point of View
  1226. Poison
  1227. Poison 70´s Soul Band
  1228. Poison Heart
  1229. Poison The Well
  1230. Poisonblack
  1231. Pojken Flenborg Quintet
  1232. Polar
  1233. Polar Bear
  1234. Polar Bear Club
  1235. Polar Goldie Cats
  1236. Polara
  1237. Polargeist Sessions
  1238. Polaris
  1239. Polarkreis 18
  1240. Polaroïde
  1241. Polbo
  1242. Polemic
  1243. Poleposition
  1244. Poliça
  1245. Police
  1246. Police & Captive Bohemians
  1247. Police State
  1248. Policies & Procedures
  1249. Polifónica de Música Clásica de Barcelona
  1250. Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
  1251. Polish Radio Chorus Of Krakow
  1252. Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra
  1253. Polish Radio Orchestra
  1254. Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
  1255. Polish State Philharmonic Orchestra (Katowice)
  1256. Politic
  1257. Polk Miller and His Old South Quartette
  1258. Polkovnik I Odnoplochane
  1259. Pollapönk
  1260. Pollination
  1261. Polluted Mindz
  1262. Pollution Fighters
  1263. Polly
  1264. Polly and the Billets Doux
  1265. Pollyn
  1266. Polski Chór Kameralny
  1267. Poltergeist Producers
  1268. Poltergeist Productions
  1269. Polvo
  1270. Polvorosa
  1271. Poly-Rhythm Addicts
  1272. Polycat Carabao The Series
  1273. Polyfeen
  1274. Polyfonia
  1275. Polyrhythm Addicts
  1276. Polyrock
  1277. Pom Krirksak Yuhawong
  1278. Pomada
  1279. Pomegranates
  1280. Pomerium
  1281. Pompeii
  1282. Pomplamoose
  1283. PomX & Heliy
  1284. Pond
  1285. Ponder, Sykes & Wright
  1286. Poney Express
  1287. PONG
  1288. Pongola Gospel Wagon
  1289. Ponies in the Surf
  1290. Ponsaing
  1291. Ponticello
  1292. Pontius Copilot
  1293. Ponto De Equilíbrio
  1294. Pontus & Amerikanerna
  1295. Pony
  1296. Pony Club
  1297. Pony Pony Run Run
  1298. Pony Up!
  1299. Ponytail
  1300. Poolsville Youth Choir
  1301. Poor Billy
  1302. Poor Moon
  1303. Poor Old Lu
  1304. Poor Righteous Teachers
  1305. Pop & Bar Patrons
  1306. Pop 21
  1307. Pop Art
  1308. Pop Cherry
  1309. Pop Dell´ Arte
  1310. Pop Divas United
  1311. POP ETC
  1312. Pop Evil
  1313. Pop Idol Big Band
  1314. Pop Idols
  1315. Pop It Off Boyz
  1316. Pop Latino
  1317. Pop Life
  1318. Pop Machine
  1319. Pop Shalini
  1320. Pop Star Kids
  1321. Pop System
  1322. Pop Will Eat Itself
  1323. Pop´s Cool
  1324. Popcorn Behavior
  1325. Popcornking vs DJ Nlsio
  1326. Pope Factory
  1327. Popeda
  1328. Popium
  1329. PopMusik
  1330. popof
  1331. Popp, Lucia / Domingo, Placido / Baltsa,
  1332. Poppy
  1333. Poppy And The Jezebels
  1334. Poppyheads
  1335. Poppynap
  1336. Popsicle
  1337. Popsie
  1338. Popstars
  1339. Popstrangers
  1340. Poptart Monkeys
  1341. Populäre Mechanik
  1342. Population
  1343. Pop! Fiction
  1344. Porcelli & Gucciardi
  1345. Porch Ghouls
  1346. Porcupine Tree
  1347. Porest
  1348. Porkfarm
  1349. Porn Kings
  1350. Pornado
  1351. Porno For Pyros
  1352. Porno Jazz
  1353. Pornophonique
  1354. Porquinhos Da Ilda
  1355. Porretas
  1356. Port Bo
  1357. Port Friendly
  1358. Port Noir
  1359. Port Of Harlem Jazzmen
  1360. Port-Bo
  1361. Portastatic
  1362. Porteña Jazz Band
  1363. Porter Batiste Stoltz
  1364. Porterdavis
  1365. Portico Quartet
  1366. Portishead
  1367. Portland
  1368. Porto Seguro
  1369. Portrait
  1370. Ports of Call
  1371. Portugal the Man
  1372. Portugal. The Man
  1373. Posaunenquintett Berlin
  1374. Posey Rorer´s NC Ramblers
  1375. Positive Catastrophe
  1376. Positive K
  1377. Positive Knowledge
  1378. Posmrtně Zkušenosti
  1379. Posse
  1380. Possessed
  1381. Post
  1382. Post Junk
  1383. Post Louis
  1384. Post Offence
  1385. Post War Years
  1386. Postcards For Abby
  1387. Poster Children
  1388. Postgirobygget
  1389. Postiljonen
  1390. Postman
  1391. Postmortem Promises
  1392. Pot Pourri
  1393. Potato Cannon
  1394. Potato Potato
  1395. Potemkin
  1396. Potencia
  1397. Potential Threat
  1398. Potluck
  1399. Potrotaino
  1400. Potuznik
  1401. Pound Pressure Productions
  1402. Pounder
  1403. Poverty Stinks
  1404. Povilas Stravinsky, Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra and Jansug Kakhidze
  1405. Povl Dissing & Benny Andersen
  1406. Povl Kjller Band
  1407. Pow
  1408. Pow Wow
  1409. Powderfinger
  1410. Power 2 Move
  1411. Power Focus
  1412. Power of 2
  1413. Power of Dollars (The P.O.D.)
  1414. Power Of Dreams
  1415. Power Pack Orchestra
  1416. Power Pack Orchestra & Singers
  1417. Power Play
  1418. Power Salad
  1419. Power Symphony
  1420. Powerhouse
  1421. Powerixtix
  1422. Powermad
  1423. Powerman 5000
  1424. Powerplant
  1425. Powersolo
  1426. Powerspace
  1427. PowerTrump
  1428. Powervice
  1429. Powerwolf
  1430. Powerworld
  1431. Poze
  1432. Pozo Seco Singers
  1433. PPK
  1434. Prades Festival Orchestra
  1435. Prag
  1436. Praga Festival Orchestra
  1437. Praga Sinfonica Orquesta
  1438. Prago Union
  1439. Prague Chamber Choir
  1440. Prague Chamber Orchestra
  1441. Prague Festival Chorus
  1442. Prague Festival Orchestra
  1443. Prague National Theatre Orchestra
  1444. Prague Opera Orchestra
  1445. Prague Philharmonia---[replace by 217608]
  1446. Prague Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
  1447. Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
  1448. Prague Radio Chorus
  1449. Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra
  1450. Prague String Quartet
  1451. Prague Symphony Orchestra
  1452. Prague Symphony Orchestra
  1453. Prague Wind Quintet
  1454. Praha Choir
  1455. Prahl And Grønholm Blues Quartet
  1456. Prairie Cartel
  1457. Praise Cats featuring Andrea Love
  1458. Praise Hymn Tracks
  1459. Prajakta Shukre
  1460. Prajna
  1461. Pralay
  1462. Prano The Don
  1463. Pravda
  1464. Praxis
  1465. Pray For Rain
  1466. Pre.Shrunk
  1467. Preachas In The Hood
  1468. Preaching To The Choir
  1469. Precedens
  1470. Precious
  1471. Precious Moment
  1472. Precious X Project
  1473. Precision Tunes
  1474. Predator & Art of Fighters
  1475. Prefab Sprout
  1476. Prego
  1477. Prelow
  1478. Prelude
  1479. Preluders
  1480. Premature Ejaculation
  1481. Premonition 13
  1482. Prepared Like A Bride
  1483. Present
  1484. Present Past
  1485. Preservation Hall Jazz Band
  1486. President
  1487. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  1488. Presidente
  1489. Presidents of the United States of America
  1490. Presizzo
  1491. Presnyakov V.P.
  1492. Pressure Point
  1493. Preston / Menuhin
  1494. Preston Gunderson
  1495. Pretenders
  1496. Pretre, G/ Callas, M/ Choeur Du Theatre
  1497. Pretty Baby
  1498. Pretty Boy Cross Over
  1499. Pretty Boy Crossover
  1500. Pretty Boy Floyd
  1501. Pretty Boy Haters
  1502. Pretty Good Dance Moves
  1503. Pretty in Pink
  1504. Pretty Maids
  1505. Pretty Poison
  1506. Pretty Ricky
  1507. Pretty Ugly
  1508. pRex & ErtalDawg
  1509. Prey For Raine
  1510. PRFFTT & Svyable
  1511. Pribuzni
  1512. Price Of Blood
  1513. Priceless Da Roc
  1514. Pride & Glory
  1515. Pride Of Lions
  1516. Pride Tiger
  1517. Priessnitz
  1518. Priestess
  1519. PRIM
  1520. Prima J
  1521. Prima Vista
  1522. Primal Fear
  1523. Primal Rock Rebellion
  1524. Primal Scream
  1525. Primary Slave
  1526. Primavera Chamber Ensemble
  1527. Primax
  1528. Prime 33
  1529. Prime Circle
  1530. Prime Sound
  1531. Prime STH
  1532. Prime Suspects
  1533. Primer
  1534. Primer 55
  1535. Primer Imperio
  1536. Primeros Pasos
  1537. Primitive Baptist Choir Of North Carolina
  1538. Primitive Radio Gods
  1539. Primordial
  1540. Primus
  1541. Prince & The Revolution
  1542. Prince Club
  1543. Prince Fatty
  1544. Prince Innocence
  1545. Prince Ital Joe & Marky Mark
  1546. Prince of Spain
  1547. Princess
  1548. Princess La´Jai
  1549. Princess One Point Five
  1550. Princess The Rapper
  1551. Princeton
  1552. Principals of the London Symphony Orchestra
  1553. Prinsens Orkester
  1554. Prinzes Pamella
  1555. Prinzhorn Dance School
  1556. Prior World
  1557. PRIORY
  1558. Pripjat
  1559. Priscila & Yudi
  1560. Priscilla Mariano & Rodrigo Di Castro
  1561. Priscilla Stewart
  1562. Priscilla Sucks
  1563. Prism Theory
  1564. Pristina
  1565. Private
  1566. Private Angus
  1567. Private Lounch
  1568. Private Lounge
  1569. Priya Sisters
  1570. Prljavo Kazaliste
  1571. PRO
  1572. Pro Arte Orchestra
  1573. Pro Arte Orchestra Of London
  1574. Pro Arte Quartet
  1575. Pro Era
  1576. Pro Musica Simphony Orchestra
  1577. Pro Pain
  1578. Pro>Tech
  1579. Problems
  1580. Procession
  1581. Procol Harum
  1582. Procyon Project
  1583. Prodigy
  1584. Product of Grace
  1585. Produkt 13
  1586. Proem
  1587. Prof. Johnson & His Gospel Singers
  1588. Profane Omen
  1589. Profanum
  1590. Profesion Norteña
  1591. Professional Murder Music
  1592. Professional Sinnerz
  1593. Professor
  1594. Professor Angel Dust & The PH Force
  1595. Professor E!
  1596. Professor RJ Ross
  1597. Profil
  1598. Profilers
  1599. Profyle
  1600. Progenitor
  1601. Program The Dead
  1602. Progressive Four
  1603. Progressiver presents FineSky
  1604. Prohrala v Kartach
  1605. Project .44
  1606. Project 155
  1607. Project 314
  1608. Project 44
  1609. Project 46
  1610. Project 86
  1611. Project Born
  1612. Project Dark
  1613. Project for a Better Dream
  1614. Project Group
  1615. Project Grudge
  1616. Project Jenny, Project Jan
  1617. Project Lionheart
  1618. Project One
  1619. Project Pitchfork
  1620. Project Playaz
  1621. Project Pop
  1622. Project ZLUST
  1623. Project: Big House
  1624. Project: Storm
  1625. Projecto Camaleao Azul
  1626. Projectus
  1627. prok
  1628. Prolong the Agony
  1629. Promatic
  1630. Promethium Sphere
  1631. PrOmid & Omid Mahramzadeh
  1632. Promise and the Monster
  1633. Promise Land
  1634. Promo & Tha Playah
  1635. Promoe
  1636. Prong
  1637. Pronoian Made
  1638. Prop Og Berta
  1639. Propaganda
  1640. Propellerheads
  1641. Prophecy
  1642. Prophet
  1643. Prophetic Voice
  1644. Prophets Of Rage
  1645. Prostitute Disfigurement
  1646. Protagonist
  1647. Protassov
  1648. Protecto
  1649. Protein
  1650. Protest The Hero
  1651. Proton Accelerator
  1652. Protosun
  1653. Proud
  1654. Proudly People
  1655. Prova d´Orchestra
  1656. Provoke,Destroy
  1657. Prox
  1658. Prozac+
  1659. Prozaq Nation
  1660. PRTY H3RO
  1661. Prune
  1662. Prva Liga
  1663. Prymary Colorz
  1664. Pryslezz feat. Jason Derulo
  1665. Prysm
  1666. Prāta Vētra
  1667. PS Die Partyschweine
  1668. PS I Love You
  1669. PS-DJz
  1670. Psallette De Lorraine And Pierre Cao
  1671. Psalm 100
  1672. Psalteria
  1673. Psapp
  1674. Pseudo Echo
  1675. Pseudo Heroes
  1676. Psi vojaci
  1677. Psideralica
  1678. Psophos Quartet
  1679. PSQ (Palmetto State Quartet)
  1680. Psy 4 De La Rime
  1681. Psyched Up Janis
  1682. Psychic Fair
  1683. Psychic Ills
  1684. Psychic Jail
  1685. Psychic TV
  1686. Psycho Current
  1687. Psycho Key
  1688. Psycho Kitten
  1689. Psycho Realm
  1690. Psycho Teddy
  1691. Psychobud
  1692. Psychopathic Rydas
  1693. Psychoplasma
  1694. Psychopomps
  1695. Psychopunch
  1696. Psychorama
  1697. Psychotic Waltz
  1698. Psyclon Nine
  1699. Psyco Drama
  1700. Psycore
  1701. Psyko Punkz
  1702. Psykosonik
  1703. Psykup
  1704. Pt. Hridaynath Mangeshkar
  1705. Pteradactyl
  1706. Pterodactyl
  1707. PTH (Part Time Heroes)
  1708. PtyLtd
  1709. Public Access TV
  1710. Public Announcement
  1711. Public Enemy
  1712. Public Image Limited
  1713. Public Lo Mein
  1714. Public Menace
  1715. Public Service Broadcasting
  1716. Public Symphony
  1717. Public Toys
  1718. Pudding
  1719. Puddle Of Mudd
  1720. Pudge
  1721. Puella
  1722. Puente Celeste
  1723. Puerto Muerto
  1724. Puffball
  1725. Puggy
  1726. Pugwash
  1727. Puissance
  1728. Pulaski
  1729. Pulefano And The Polynesians
  1730. Pulkas
  1731. Pull In Emergency
  1732. Pull The Pin
  1733. Pulled Apart By Horses
  1734. Puller
  1735. Pulley
  1736. Pullman Porters Quartette
  1737. Pulp
  1738. PULS
  1739. Pulsar
  1740. Pulse Percussion Ensemble
  1741. Pulse Ultra
  1742. Pumpkinhead
  1743. Punch Brothers
  1744. Punch In Mouth
  1745. Punchdrunk
  1746. Punchline
  1747. Pungent Stench
  1748. Punishment Of Luxury
  1749. Punjab
  1750. Punjab Orchestra
  1751. Punk Freakz
  1752. Punk Lurex
  1753. PuNk3FuNk
  1754. Punkh
  1755. Punsapaya
  1756. Puny Human
  1757. Pupi Campo
  1758. Pupil
  1759. Puppetmastaz
  1760. Puppypet
  1761. Pur
  1762. Pura Utopia
  1763. Purcell Consort Of Voices
  1764. Pure
  1765. Pure Bathing Culture
  1766. Pure Bliss
  1767. Pure Drama
  1768. Pure Dream
  1769. Pure Energy
  1770. Pure Gamma
  1771. Pure Gold
  1772. Pure Orange Feat. Shane Nolan
  1773. Pure Prairie League
  1774. Pure Reason Revolution
  1775. Pure Skye
  1776. Pure X
  1777. Pure13
  1778. pureNRG
  1779. Pures Glück
  1780. Puressence
  1781. Puretone
  1782. Pureza
  1783. Purged
  1784. Purification
  1785. Purified In Blood
  1786. Purity Ring
  1787. Puro Apronte
  1788. Puro Instinct
  1789. Purple City
  1790. Purple Mushroom
  1791. Purple Rhapsody
  1792. Purple Stories
  1793. Pursuit Of Happiness
  1794. Puscifer
  1795. Push Button Objects
  1796. Push Down & Turn
  1797. Push Play
  1798. Push Pull
  1799. Pusher
  1800. Pushing Red Buttons
  1801. Pushrods
  1802. Puss N Boots
  1803. Pussy Dub Foundation
  1804. Pussycat
  1805. Pustki
  1806. Pustulated
  1807. Putbus Festival Orchestra
  1808. Puteraeon
  1809. Putrefy
  1810. Putridity
  1811. Puts Outs
  1812. Putxinel Lis Claca
  1813. Puya
  1814. Puzzles Crew
  1815. PVRIS
  1816. PVT
  1817. PXNDX
  1818. Pygmee Twilite
  1819. Pygmy Children
  1820. Pyhät Tepot
  1821. Pylon (band)
  1822. Pyogenesis
  1823. Pyramaze
  1824. Pyramid Peak
  1825. Pyrexia
  1826. Pythia
  1827. Pyxida
  1828. Pyyramids
  1829. Pzk
  1830. Pólo Norte
  1831. 波兰室内乐团
  1832. 帕维尔·哈斯四重奏团