- P-1
- p-pol
- P. Diddy & The Bad Boy Family
- P. Moroni
- P. Ramlee & Saloma
- P.A.O.L.O.
- P.B.C. Proud By Choice
- P.B.T.
- P.E.S.O
- P.F.M.
- P.I.C.
- P.L.C.
- P.M. Dawn
- P.M.I.
- P.O.D.
- P.onfroy/C.parks/S.marsden
- P.S.
- P.T.P
- P.U.M.P.
- P.Y.T
- P150
- P9
- På Slaget 12
- På Slaget 12
- Päivi Paunu
- Pa D´Àngel
- Pa Pa Pa Papagena
- Pa Tollbom´s Offshore Quintett
- Paavo Berglund/Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
- Paavoharju
- Pablo
- Pablo and Koch
- Pablo Bachata
- Pablo Cesar
- Pablo Mainetti Quinteto
- Pablo Soto Orquesta
- Pablopolar
- Pacewon and Mr Green
- Pachamama
- Pachanga
- Pachelbel Chamber Orchestra
- Pacho & Cirilo
- Pacho y Cirilo
- Pacific Air
- Pacific Horns
- Pacific Trio
- pacific uv
- Pacifica Quartet
- Pacifier
- Pacifika
- PacJam
- Paco Hunter
- Padded Cell
- Paddock Park
- Paddy And The Rats
- Paddy Moloney
- Paddy´S Dream
- Padi
- Paffendorf
- Pagan Blood
- Pagan Flame
- Pagan Rock Allstars
- Pagan´s Mind
- Pagans
- Page Cavanaugh
- Page France
- Page One
- Pageantry
- Pages de la Chapelle
- Pago Libre
- Paiaka
- Paid In Full
- Paidarion
- Paidiki Horodia Gianni Tsiamouli
- Paige & Palermo
- Paige 23
- Pain
- Pain Confessor
- Pain Killah Crew
- Pain of Salvation
- Pain Within
- Painkiller
- Painkiller Hotel
- Paint By Numbers
- Paint It Black
- Painted Horse
- Painted Orange
- Painted Palms
- Painter
- Painty The Pirate and Kids
- Pair a´ Dice
- Paizo Kvartetten
- Pajala Truck Co
- Pajama Party
- Pajaro En Mano
- Pajaro Sunrise
- Pakle
- Pal@pop
- Pala
- Pala Copeland and Jeff Davies
- Palace Brothers
- Palast Orchester
- Palast Orchester Mit Seinem Sänger Max Raabe
- Palava
- Pale
- Pale Blue Dot
- Pale Creation
- Pale Forest
- Pale Green Pants
- Pale Sunday
- Pale White Trash
- Palehorse
- Pali e Dispari
- Palisade
- Palisades
- Palisandro
- Palladium
- Pallas
- Pallatto & Vente
- Pallbearer
- Palle Pirat
- Palma Party Projekt
- Palmdale
- Palmer & Riner
- Palmetto Jazz Quartet
- Palo q´sea
- Palo!
- Palomar
- Palooka Washboard Band
- Palov & Mishkin
- Palyrria
- Palz & Garcia
- Pama International
- PAmagieRA
- Pamela Jain
- Pan & Regaliz
- Pan De Dioses
- Pan De Higo
- Pan Pipes
- Pan Sonic
- Panagiotis Koutsouras
- Panama
- Panama Limited Jug Band
- Panamah
- Panbers
- Pancho Amat Y El Cabildo Del Son
- Pancho Villa & The Bandits
- Panda
- Panda de Triana
- PandaCorn
- Pandemonium
- Pandit Jagdish Prasad
- Pandit Ronu Mazumdar
- Pandora
- Pandora (WM)
- Pandorium
- Panetoz
- Panfila
- Panic At The Disco
- Panic Room
- Panic! At The Disco
- Panica
- Panico
- PaniK
- Panima
- Panjabi MC
- Panocha Quartet
- Panoptica Orchestra
- Panos Athanasiou
- Panos Kalidis
- Pans Motive
- Panta Rei
- Pantanito
- Panteon Rococo
- Pantera
- Pantheon
- Panther
- Panthers
- Pants and Corset
- Pants Velour
- Pantxoa Eta Peio
- Panurge
- Panzerchrist
- Paola
- Paolo 77
- Paolo 77, Simon Vegas & Cenett
- Paolo Baldan Bembo Orchestra
- Paolo Benvegnu
- Paolo Birro Trio
- Paolo Lovera & Compagnia D´Opera Italiana
- Paolo Pollastri and Giovanna Losco
- Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bord
- Papa Benny´s Jazzband
- Papa Bue´s Viking Jazzband
- Papa Bues Viking Jazz Band
- Papa Charlie´s Boys
- Papa Daddy and P.G-13
- Papa Joe Grappa
- Papa Noel Y Sus Duendes
- Papa Roach
- Papagallo & Gollo
- Papando Moscas
- Paparazzi
- Papas Da Lngua
- Papas Fritas
- Paper Aeroplanes
- Paper Airplane Pilots
- Paper Beat Scissors
- Paper Bird
- Paper Crows
- Paper Dolls
- Paper Lace
- Paper Lions
- Paper Rival
- Paper Route
- Paper Wolves
- papercranes
- Papercut Massacre
- papercuts
- Paperlung
- Papertiger Sound
- PaperTrail Productions
- Papi Oviedo
- Papkasseshow
- Paqua
- Par-T-One-V-INXS
- Para
- Parabellum
- Parachute
- Parachute Express
- Parachutes
- Parade Of Lights
- Paradice
- paradigm lost
- Paradigma
- Paradise Fears
- Paradise Island
- Paradise Live
- Paradise Lost
- Paradise Soul
- Paradise Worship
- Paradiso Girls
- Paragon
- Paragon Ragtime Orchestra
- Paralelo 33Ao
- Paralelo Norte de Chuy Casas
- Parallax 1
- Parallel Dance Ensemble
- Parallel or 90 Degrees
- Parallel String Band
- Parallel Thought
- Parallels
- Paramount Jubilee Singers
- Paramount Ladies Four
- Paramount Pictures Studio Orchestra
- Paramount Singers
- Parance E Cia
- Paranoid
- Paranoise
- Parasite Inc.
- Paraxenes Meres
- Parchis
- Pardinho & Pardal
- Parenthetical Girls
- Parents
- Parforcehorn Corps Norderstedt
- Parfum Latin
- Pariah
- Paris & Simo
- Paris Angels
- Paris Brune
- Paris Combo
- Paris Conservatoire Orchestra
- Paris Encore
- Paris King vs Lucky Date
- Paris Lounge
- Paris Opera Orchestra
- Paris Opera-Comique Orchestra
- Paris Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Paris Symphonic Orchestra
- Paris Texas
- Park
- Park Ave.
- Park Hotell
- Parka
- Parker & Hanson
- Parker Theory
- Parkers Brother
- Parking
- Parkinson
- Parkside Players
- Parkview Baptist School Praise Team
- Parkway Drive
- Parliament
- Parlour Boys
- Parlours
- Parlovr
- Parmalee
- Parni Valjak
- Parquet Courts
- Parralox
- Part Chimp
- Part of Me
- Part Six
- Part-Time Friends
- Participants Of South India Female Choir
- Partido
- Partied Out
- Partland Brothers
- Partner
- Partners in Crime
- Partners In Kryme
- Partners N´ Praise Ministries
- Parts & Labor
- Party
- Party Animals
- Party Band
- Party Connection
- Party Makers
- Party Music Unlimited
- Party People
- Party Starters
- Partypimpz
- Partyzona Music Team
- Parzival
- Pasadena
- Pasadena Symphony
- Pascal Gaigne
- Pascal Pinon
- Pascal Schumacher Quartet
- Pascale Borel
- Pascale Picard Band
- Pascualito Y Su Tumbao Habana
- Pash-En
- Pasi Ja Pekka
- Paska
- Pasquale Catalano & Fabrizio Romano
- Pasquale Catalano & Onda Nueve String Quartet
- Passafire
- Passenger
- Passi
- Passion
- Passion Fodder
- Passion Fruit
- Passion Pit
- Passionworks
- Passport
- Pastaboys
- Pastellerna
- Pastilla
- Pastor Leroy and Dewayne Williams
- Pastor Roderick L. Hennings
- Pastores De San Agustin
- Pastoret i Pilareta García
- Pastorets Rock
- Pasvaldidas Majaslapa Chamber Orchestra
- Pat Bonen mit seinem Tanzorchester
- Pat D & Lady Paradox
- Pat McGee Band
- Pat McGlynn Band
- Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau
- Pat Metheny Group
- Pat Ortman
- Pat The Cat
- Pat Travers And Carmine Appice
- Patachou
- Patatas Chipas Club
- Patch and The Giant
- Patch-1
- Patchwork Grace
- Pate de Fua
- Patenbrigade: Wolff
- Patent Pending
- Path Of Resistance
- Pathfinder
- Pathosray
- Paths Of Possession
- Patience & Prudence
- Patience and Prudence
- Pato Banton & the Reggae Revolution
- Pato Banton And The Reggae Revolution
- Pato Fu
- Patra
- Patria Lima
- Patriarcas de la Rumba
- Patrice Holloway
- Patrice PEYRIERAS & Sébastien FARGE
- Patricia Marx & Bruno E.
- Patricia Petibon, Sophie Marin-Degor, Nicolas Rivenq, Clive Bayley, William Christie & Les Arts Florissants
- Patricia Teheran Y sus Diosas Del Vallenato
- Patrick Bishop
- Patrick Demenga & Gerard Wyss
- Patrick Nkuna
- Patrick Rydman
- Patrick Street
- Patrick Vining
- Patrick Watson
- Patrik
- Patriot
- Patriotic Fathers
- Patrulla 81
- Patterns
- Patti LaBelle, Kenny Gamble, Temple University Symphony Orchestra & Choirs
- Patti LuPone, Howard McGillin
- Patti O & Mo´Sknz
- Patti Smith Group
- Patty & The Emblems
- Paukkumaissi
- Paul & Paula
- Paul Adam & His Mayfair Music
- Paul Avgerinos
- Paul Baloche and Friends
- Paul Borgese and the Strawberry Traffic Jam
- Paul Cebar And The Milwaukeeans
- Paul Collins & The Beat
- Paul Collins´ Beat
- Paul Desmond & The Modern Jazz Quartet
- Paul Eugene Beck
- Paul Fenoulhet With The Skyrockets
- Paul Finnerty´s Riff Raff Jazz Band
- Paul Gemignani
- Paul Goddard
- Paul Goodwin, Mark Bennett, Trevor Pinnock
- Paul Grabowsky Trio
- Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott
- Paul Howard´s Quality Serenaders
- Paul Johnson & Candi Staton
- Paul Kantner/Jefferson Starship
- Paul Kletzki/Philharmonia Orchestra
- Paul Kuentz Chamber Orchestra
- Paul Kuhn Und Sein Bar-Sextett
- Paul Kuhn Und Sein Bar-Trio
- Paul Maddox & Niki Mak
- Paul Murphy Band
- Paul Neville
- Paul Oakenfold and Marco V
- Paul Owens & APC (Anointed Praise Chorale)
- Paul Owens And APC
- Paul Oxley
- Paul Oxley´s Unit
- Paul Revere & The Raiders
- Paul Sequence Ferguson
- Paul Specht & His Orchestra
- Paul Thomas
- Paul Tremaine & His Aristocrats
- Paul Tripp
- Paul Weston & His Orchestra
- Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra
- Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
- Paul Williams & The Big Roll Band
- Paul Winter Sextet
- Paula & Ofra Haza Abdul
- Paula And Karol
- Paula Cole Band
- Paula With The Wild Pair Abdul
- Paulaner Brothers
- Pauli Hanhiniemen Perunateatteri
- Paulie Pesh
- Pauline Morris
- Paulinho Gama E Adelita
- Paulo Moura & Os Batutas
- Paulson
- Pavarotti & Friends
- Pavel Haas Quartet
- Pavel Kashin i NLP
- Pavel Slobodkin Centre Orchestra
- Pavement
- Pavlov´s Dog
- Paw&Lina
- PawnShop kings
- Pax
- Pax Art Ensemble
- Pax217
- Pay As U Go
- Pay The Girl
- Payola
- Paypa
- PBH Club
- PBR Street Band
- PBR Streetgang
- PC Synergy
- PCP-Peter Camp Playaz
- Pe & Jana
- Peña Feminina Flamenca De Huelva
- Peabo Bryson
- Peace
- Peace Of Mind
- Peaceful Harmonic Orchestra
- Peaceful Waters Symphony
- PeaceTreaty
- Peach
- Peachcake
- Peaches & Bobo
- Peaches & Herb
- Peaches & Herb
- Peachfuzz
- Peaking Lights
- Peanut Butter Lovesicle
- Peanut The Kidnapper
- Peao Carreiro E Ze Paulo
- Pearl & The Puppets
- Pearl And The Beard
- Pearl Brick
- Pearl Harbor Speakers
- Pearl Jam
- Pearl Street Jazz Band
- Pearlene
- Pearls Before Swine
- Pearls For Pigs
- Pearls Negras
- Pearly Gates
- Peasant´s King
- Peatbog Faeries
- Peawees
- Pebaluna
- Pebblee-Poo
- Pectus
- Peculiar People Band
- Ped Xing
- Pedra D´ Hera
- Pedra Leticia
- Pedro Bento E Ze Da Estrada
- Pedro Bento, Z Da Estrada E Celinho
- Pedro Duraes
- Pedro Ferriz de Con
- Pedro Infantes y sus Amigos
- Pedro Laurenz y su Orquesta Típica
- Pedro Luis E A Parede
- Pedro ObregA3n
- Pedro Y Manuel
- Pedro Y Pablo
- Pedro, Man, Officer Clyde & Sgt. Stedenko
- Pedros Heavy Gentleman
- Pee Wee Ellis
- Pee Wee Russell
- Peel
- Peeping Tom
- Peer
- Peet Project
- Peetie Wheatstraw & His Blue Blowers
- Pegazus
- Peggo and Paul
- Peggosus
- Peggy Sue
- Peix Fregit
- Peking Duk
- Pekka Ja Susi
- Pekka Kuusisto & Raija Kerppo
- Pelari
- Pelbo
- Pele
- Pele & Shawnecy
- Pelle Almgren & Wow Liksom
- Pelle Miljoona & Rockers
- Pelle Miljoona 1980
- Pelle Miljoona Unabomber
- Pelo Gato 24
- Peloma Bokiou
- Pen Up Girls
- Pena Branca e Xavantinho
- Penal Colony
- Penaranda
- Pendentif
- Penetrate
- Pengu!ns
- Penmanship In Plastic
- Pennan Brae
- Penniless People Of Bulgaria
- Pennrose Classical Players
- Penny Peeps
- Penny Rae
- Penny´s Pet Dragonfly
- Pennywise
- Pens
- Pensees Nocturnes
- Pentagono
- Pentangle
- Pentatonix
- Penthouse All-Stars
- Penthouse Playboys
- Penthouse Players Clique
- Penumbra
- Penumbrae
- PenUp Girls
- People / Al Jarreau and Brenda Russell
- People / Chaka Khan and Ivan Lins
- People / Dave Koz and Jason Miles
- People / Grover Washington Jr.
- People / Heavy D
- People / Jason Miles
- People / Lebo M.
- People / Peabo Bryson
- People / Peabo Bryson and Lea Salonga
- People / Sounds of Blackness
- People / Vanessa Williams
- People Alive
- People In Planes
- People Of ´K´
- People Of The North Pole
- People Of The Sun
- People On Vacation
- People Under The Stairs
- People Underground
- Pep & Rash
- Pep Sala
- Pep Sala & La Banda Del Bar
- Pep´s
- Pepe & The Bottle Blondes
- Pepe Castillo and Cuatromania
- Pepe Deluxé
- Pepe E Nenem
- Pepe Lara Con Jesus Moreno
- Pepe Nuñez El Loreño
- Pepe Vaamonde Grupo
- Pepet I Marieta
- Pepito Ros e A.M.P.
- Pepper
- Pepper Rabbit
- Peppermoon
- Peps
- Peps Persson
- Pequeña Orquesta Reincidentes
- PeR
- Per & the Ouagadougou Blues Quartet
- Per Goldschmidt
- Per Mission
- Per Paalsson And Jesper Sivebaek
- Per7ume
- Peräst´troikaa Orchestra
- Pera Pera
- Percewood´s Onagram
- Percusión en Concierto
- Percy Faith
- Percy Faith & His Orchestra
- Percy Faith and His Orchestra
- Percy Faith, his orchestra and chorus
- Percy Howard
- Pere Ubu
- Pereza
- Perfect
- Perfect Pussy
- Perfect Strangers
- Perfekt Gentlemen
- Performance
- Perfume Genius
- Pergamum
- Perigeo
- Peril
- Perky, Ashman & Anita Kelsey
- Perlman Peterson
- Permanent Me
- Pernice Brothers Goodbye Killer
- Perpetual Escape
- Perpetual Ocean
- Perrey And Kingsley
- Perrion
- Perry & Sanlin
- Perry Bradford´s Jazz Phools
- Perry Grant
- Perry Twins
- Persefone
- Persephone
- Persephone´s Dream
- Persequor
- Perseverance
- Persianettes
- Persistence In Mourning
- Person to Person
- Persona
- Personal
- Persuader
- Pert Nikl & Lakomé Barky
- Pertness
- Perturbazione
- Peruna Jazzmen
- Pervez Quadir
- Pery Ribeiro & Coro
- Pesado
- Pescado Rabioso
- Pescadors De Calella
- Pesek/Royal Liverpool Philh.O.
- Pest
- Pestilence
- Pestroy
- Pet
- Pet Lions
- Pet Shop Boys
- Pet Soul Boys
- Pete Alderton & Jens Hausmann
- Pete Amador Y Su Conjunto
- Pete And Repeat
- Pete Best
- Pete Brown & His Battered Ornaments
- Pete Brown & Piblokto!
- Pete Heller´s Big Love
- Pete Krebs
- Pete Moss
- Pete Namlook & Bill Laswell
- Pete Namlook & Various
- Pete Philly & Perquisite
- Pete Rock & CL Smooth
- Pete Sutherland
- Pete Zimmer Quintet
- Petelius & Kivinen
- Peter & De Andre Kopier
- Peter & Ellen Allard
- Peter & The Chiefs
- Peter & The Test Tube Babies
- Peter And Gordon
- Peter and Kerry
- Peter Bic Project
- Peter Bit Orchester
- Peter Bjorn & John
- Peter Bjorn And John
- Peter Blakeley
- Peter Blast
- Peter Brötzmann Group
- Peter BrA tzmann Trio
- Peter Cmorik Band
- Peter Cook & Dudley Moore
- Peter Crosa
- Peter Hamilton Orchestra
- Peter Hughes Orchestra
- Peter Jarvis and His Drum Corps
- Peter Jay & The Jaywalkers
- Peter Juergens
- Peter Kay´s Animated
- Peter Lloyd
- Peter Malick Group
- Peter Mathers
- Peter Mokoena
- Peter Nissens N.O. Band
- Peter Norton v Justinio
- Peter O. Ekbergs System
- Peter Pan Carollers
- Peter Pan Kids
- Peter Pan Pixie Players
- Peter Rosenberg & Popchips Present
- Peter Rosendal Trio
- Peter Schreier & Konrad Ragossnig
- Peter Sommer
- Peter Spink Band
- Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra
- Peter Thorup 16 tons
- Peter Trappen
- Peter Wolf Crier
- Peter Yorke And his Concert Orchestra
- Peter´s Farm
- Peter, Paul and Mary
- Petersen Quartet
- Peter,Paul & Mary
- Petia
- Petland
- Peto Tazok & Karaoke Tundra
- Petra
- Petra Frey
- Petra Zieger & Band
- Petra Ziegler & Band
- Petrels
- Petrograd
- Petter & The Pix
- Petticoat Junction
- Petty
- Pevides de Cabaça
- Pez Band
- PF Project
- Pg.Lost
- Ph.D.
- PH3
- Phaedrus
- Phajja
- Phalo Pantoja
- Phantasm
- Phantogram
- Phantom Cruisers
- Phantom Engineer
- Phantom Lord
- Phantom Of The Opera Cast
- Phantom Of The Opera Original London Cast
- Phantom Planet
- Phantom Pregnancies
- Phantom Rocker
- Phantom(欧美)
- Pharaoh´s Daughter
- Pharfar
- Pharrell & Gwen Stefani
- Phase 73
- Phat Fred
- Phatjak
- Phavia Kujichagulia & Ma´at
- Phazers On High
- Phazes
- Phestur
- Phil and the Osophers
- Phil Cross and The Poet Voices
- Phil Fearon & Galaxy
- Phil Forbes
- Phil Jones & the Unknown Blues
- Phil Ogden Band
- Phil Robson
- Phil Spector
- Phil Upchurch Combo
- Phil Woods Quintet
- Philadelphia Bluntz
- Philadelphia Grand Jury
- Philadelphia Orchestra
- Philadelphia Orchestra/Riccado muti
- Philarmonia Orchestra
- Philharmonia Chor Wien
- Philharmonia Chorale
- Philharmonia Chorus
- Philharmonia Chorus London
- Philharmonia Hungarica
- Philharmonia Orchestra
- Philharmonia Orchestra
- Philharmonia Orchestra & Chorus
- Philharmonia Orchestra/Yevgeny Swetlanov
- Philharmonia Polonica
- Philharmonia Promenade Orchestra
- Philharmonia Quartett Berlin
- Philharmonia Slavonica
- Philharmonia Virtuosi
- Philharmonia Virtuosi of New York
- Philharmonic Festival Orchestra
- Philharmonic Orchestra
- Philharmonic Weed
- Philharmonica Orchestral
- Philharmonische Virtuosen Berlin
- Philharmonisches ´Orchester des Staatstheaters Cottbus, Evan Christ, Friederike Roth, Johannes Gmeinder
- Philharmonisches Orchester Brünn
- Philharmonisches Staatsorcheste Hamburg
- Philieano
- Philip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip GlassPhilip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Philip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip GlassPhilip Glass Ensemble, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip
- Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
- Philip Jones Ensemble
- Philip Ledger/English Chamber Orchestra/King´s College Choir Cambridge
- Philippe Aerts Quartet
- Philippe Bearbeau & Martine Toosico
- Philippe Bestion & Karin Nobbs
- Philippe Saisse Trio
- Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub
- Phillip Boa And The Voodooclub
- Phillip Larue
- Phillips & Craig & Dean
- Philly Factor
- Philly Joe Jones Sextet
- Philly´s Most Wanted
- Philmont
- Philmore
- Philomusica of London
- Phish
- Phishbacher
- Phixx
- Phlowtron
- Phobia
- Phoebe Killdeer & The Short Straws
- Phoenix
- Phoenix 2003
- Phoenix And The Turtle
- Phoenix Pearle
- Phoenix Rizing
- Phon
- Phonat
- Phone Calls From Home
- phoneonthecob
- PhonJaxx
- Phonograph
- Phonophobie
- Phony PPL
- Phosphorescent
- Photo Atlas
- Photronique
- Phox
- Phrasenmäher
- Phronesis
- Phunk Junkeez
- Phunk Style Posse
- Phunksolution
- Phuture
- Phuture Disco Funk
- Phyllis & Lawrence
- Phylr
- Physical Forms
- Physics
- Phèdre
- Pia Mia & Bella Thorne
- Pia Robbins
- Piano Circus
- Piano Magic
- Piano Meets Vibes
- Piano Red
- Piano Seven
- Piano Tribute Players
- Pianochocolate
- PianoClassicsOnline.com
- Pianoduo Mephisto
- Pianos Become The Teeth
- Piazzolla Classic Ensemble
- Picante Latino
- Piccola Bottega Baltazar
- Piccole Ore Le
- Piccoli Cantori Di Niny Comolli
- Piccolo Coro dei Monelli
- Piccolo Coro Dell´Antoniano
- Pickers
- Pickup The Harp
- Pick`n`Mix
- Pics
- Picture It In Ruins
- Picture Me Broken
- Piebald
- Piece By Piece
- Pieces Of A Dream
- Pieces Of Dreams
- Pied Piper
- Piedmont Sorpid
- Piel De Pueblo
- Piel Plastica
- Piem & Danny Murphy
- Pienvedēja piedzīvojumi
- Pierce
- Pierce The Veil
- Pierced Arrows
- Pierre Boulez & Ensemble InterContemporain
- Pierre Monteux; Roberta Peters, Risë Stevens, Lucine Amara, Richard Tucker, Martial Singher
- Pierre Pierlot & Claudio Scimone
- Pierre Ravan & Safar & Divasonic
- Pietro Attila & The Warlocks
- Pig and Sow
- Pig Beast
- Pig Destroyer
- Pigbag
- Pigeon
- Pigeon Detectives
- Pigeonhed
- Pigface
- Pigmy Love Circus
- Pignoise
- Pigs in Mud
- Pigsty
- Pigswear
- Piiri Pieni Pyörii
- Pijon
- Pikku-Marjan Eläinlauluja
- Pilar Moraguez & Arabel Moraguez
- Piledriver
- Pilgrim
- Pilgrims
- Pilgrims´ Way
- Pilichowski Band
- Pillar
- Pillars and Tongues
- Pillory
- Pills
- Pilo
- Pilomotor
- Pilos Puntos
- Pilot Guides Presents
- Pilot Speed
- Pilote
- Piloto Ciego
- Pilskills
- Piment & Simone
- Pimp
- Pimpline & The Defenites
- PiN
- Pin Pan Pun Band
- Pinback
- Pineal Ventana
- Pinetop´s Boogiemen
- Ping Ping
- Ping Pong Boys
- Pinhead Society
- Piniartut
- Pink & Black
- Pink Cream 69
- Pink Floyd
- Pink Frost
- Pink Grease
- Pink Is Punk
- Pink Martini
- Pink Mountaintops
- Pink-E-Swear
- Pinkard & Bowden
- Pinkerton´s Assorted Colours
- Pinkish Black
- Pinkman & White
- Pinkostar
- Pinkston
- Pinky & Perky
- Pinky Winters
- Pinmonkey
- Pinup Girls
- Pinups
- Pio Trevino Y Majic
- Pipe Major Jim Drury & Julia McGurk
- Pipes
- Pipes & Drums Of The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
- Pipes & Drums Of The Gordon Highlanders
- Pipes And Drums Of The Royal Highland Fusiliers
- Pipes and Drums of the Scots Guards 2nd Battalion
- Pipestone Creek
- Pipoka
- Pipschips & Videoclips
- Piquillines
- Piramide
- Piramis
- Pirate Radio
- Pirates Of The Caribbean Tribute
- Pirates Of The Mississippi
- Pirates of the Sea
- Pirats Sound Sistema
- Pire
- Pirigoso E Sua Sanfona
- Pirineos Jazz
- Piron´s New Orleans Orchestra
- Piroth
- Piru Kange
- Pist´N´Broke
- Pistol Annies
- Pistones
- Pit Brothers Band
- Pit Er Pat
- Pitbull Daycare
- Pitbull Feat. Lil Jon, Sensato, Black Point & El Cata
- Pitbull featuring Akon
- Pitbulls In The Nursery
- Pitch Black
- Pitchshifter
- Pitjorestàstu
- Pittbull Daycare
- Pitti Polak
- Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
- Pitura Freska
- Pity Sex
- Pivaritrio
- Pivitplex
- Pix Lax
- Pixel
- Pixel Cheese
- Pixies
- Pixote
- Pixy & Moro(pimo)
- Piztiak
- Pizza
- Pj Harvey and Gordon Gano
- PK Project
- Pl@netarium
- Place Of Skulls
- Place Vendome
- Place Your Bets
- Placebo
- Places
- Places Of Power
- Places To Park
- Placid
- Placido Domingo - Ying Huang - Michael Bolton
- Placido Domingo, Jos¨¦ Carreras und Diana Ross
- Plague Bringer
- Plague Vendor
- Plaid
- Plaid Retina
- Plain Pits
- Plain White T´s
- Plainsong
- Plan A Project
- Plan Three
- Planecrash
- Planes Mistaken For Stars
- Planescape
- Planeside
- Planet Creep
- Planet Jazz
- Planet Mongrel
- Planet Of The Poodles
- Planet Perfecto Knights
- Planet Soul
- Planet VI
- Planeta Fontso
- Planeta Imaginario
- Planeta Lem
- Planetary Sol
- Planetshakers
- Plankeye
- Plants and Animals
- Planxty
- Plasdance
- Plasson / Hendricks / Van Dam
- Plastic Crimewave Sound
- Plastic Explosive
- Plastic Ivy
- Plastic Little
- Plastic Ono Band
- Plastic Operator
- Plastic Parachute
- Plastik Lies
- Plastilina Mosh
- Plastiscines
- Plastnoist
- Plastron
- Plateau
- Platens
- Platero Y Tu
- Platinum
- Platinum Girls
- Platinum Hit Cast
- Platinum Souls
- Platinum Weird
- Plattenspiele
- Plavu
- Play
- Play Dead
- Play-N-Skillz
- Playa Fly
- Playa Limbo
- Playa Poncho
- Playaz Circle
- Playback
- Player
- Player A
- Playfellow
- Playground
- Playground International
- Playground Noise
- Playgroup
- Playing For Change
- Playing For Change Performers
- Playmaker
- Playmates
- Playmen & Alceen
- Playmen & Claydee
- Plaza suR
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasure Dome
- Pleasure Forever
- Pleasure Principle
- Pleasure Seekers
- Pleasurecrush
- Pleasureville
- Pleather
- Plebe Rude
- Plena Libre
- Plocek & Suranská
- Plouen Catximbes
- Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra
- Plovdiv`s Children`s Choir
- Plow United
- Plug In
- Plumbo
- Plumm
- Plump Djs
- Plus
- Plus 44
- Plus One
- Plushgun
- Pluto
- Pluto Project
- Pluton & Skyer
- Plutonium 74
- plymouth, conrad
- Plüsch
- PM Dawn
- Pnau
- PNDC & Housework
- Po and the 4fathers
- Po´ Girl
- Pobrezza
- Pochi Y Su Cocoband
- Pocket Checkers
- Pocket Dwellers
- Pocket Full of Rocks
- Pocket Genius
- Pocket Novel Mystery
- Pockets
- Poco
- Pod Buda
- Pod Cerny vrch
- Poder Latino in da House
- Poder Norteno
- Poema
- Poems For Jamiro
- Poet And The Roots
- Poetic Ammo
- Poetic Justice
- Poets
- Poets Of The Fall
- Pogo & Tristan
- Poi Dog Pondering
- Point
- Point Blank a.k.a. Secret Cinema
- Point Blank Rage
- Point Break
- Point Of Ares
- Point Of Grace
- Point of View
- Poison
- Poison 70´s Soul Band
- Poison Heart
- Poison The Well
- Poisonblack
- Pojken Flenborg Quintet
- Polar
- Polar Bear
- Polar Bear Club
- Polar Goldie Cats
- Polara
- Polargeist Sessions
- Polaris
- Polarkreis 18
- Polaroïde
- Polbo
- Polemic
- Poleposition
- Poliça
- Police
- Police & Captive Bohemians
- Police State
- Policies & Procedures
- Polifónica de Música Clásica de Barcelona
- Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Polish Radio Chorus Of Krakow
- Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra
- Polish Radio Orchestra
- Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Polish State Philharmonic Orchestra (Katowice)
- Politic
- Polk Miller and His Old South Quartette
- Polkovnik I Odnoplochane
- Pollapönk
- Pollination
- Polluted Mindz
- Pollution Fighters
- Polly
- Polly and the Billets Doux
- Pollyn
- Polski Chór Kameralny
- Poltergeist Producers
- Poltergeist Productions
- Polvo
- Polvorosa
- Poly-Rhythm Addicts
- Polycat Carabao The Series
- Polyfeen
- Polyfonia
- Polyrhythm Addicts
- Polyrock
- Pom Krirksak Yuhawong
- Pomada
- Pomegranates
- Pomerium
- Pompeii
- Pomplamoose
- PomX & Heliy
- Pond
- Ponder, Sykes & Wright
- Poney Express
- Pongola Gospel Wagon
- Ponies in the Surf
- Ponsaing
- Ponticello
- Pontius Copilot
- Ponto De Equilíbrio
- Pontus & Amerikanerna
- Pony
- Pony Club
- Pony Pony Run Run
- Pony Up!
- Ponytail
- Poolsville Youth Choir
- Poor Billy
- Poor Moon
- Poor Old Lu
- Poor Righteous Teachers
- Pop & Bar Patrons
- Pop 21
- Pop Art
- Pop Cherry
- Pop Dell´ Arte
- Pop Divas United
- Pop Evil
- Pop Idol Big Band
- Pop Idols
- Pop It Off Boyz
- Pop Latino
- Pop Life
- Pop Machine
- Pop Shalini
- Pop Star Kids
- Pop System
- Pop Will Eat Itself
- Pop´s Cool
- Popcorn Behavior
- Popcornking vs DJ Nlsio
- Pope Factory
- Popeda
- Popium
- PopMusik
- popof
- Popp, Lucia / Domingo, Placido / Baltsa,
- Poppy
- Poppy And The Jezebels
- Poppyheads
- Poppynap
- Popsicle
- Popsie
- Popstars
- Popstrangers
- Poptart Monkeys
- Populäre Mechanik
- Population
- Pop! Fiction
- Porcelli & Gucciardi
- Porch Ghouls
- Porcupine Tree
- Porest
- Porkfarm
- Porn Kings
- Pornado
- Porno For Pyros
- Porno Jazz
- Pornophonique
- Porquinhos Da Ilda
- Porretas
- Port Bo
- Port Friendly
- Port Noir
- Port Of Harlem Jazzmen
- Port-Bo
- Portastatic
- Porteña Jazz Band
- Porter Batiste Stoltz
- Porterdavis
- Portico Quartet
- Portishead
- Portland
- Porto Seguro
- Portrait
- Ports of Call
- Portugal the Man
- Portugal. The Man
- Posaunenquintett Berlin
- Posey Rorer´s NC Ramblers
- Positive Catastrophe
- Positive K
- Positive Knowledge
- Posmrtně Zkušenosti
- Posse
- Possessed
- Post
- Post Junk
- Post Louis
- Post Offence
- Post War Years
- Postcards For Abby
- Poster Children
- Postgirobygget
- Postiljonen
- Postman
- Postmortem Promises
- Pot Pourri
- Potato Cannon
- Potato Potato
- Potemkin
- Potencia
- Potential Threat
- Potluck
- Potrotaino
- Potuznik
- Pound Pressure Productions
- Pounder
- Poverty Stinks
- Povilas Stravinsky, Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra and Jansug Kakhidze
- Povl Dissing & Benny Andersen
- Povl Kjller Band
- Pow
- Pow Wow
- Powderfinger
- Power 2 Move
- Power Focus
- Power of 2
- Power of Dollars (The P.O.D.)
- Power Of Dreams
- Power Pack Orchestra
- Power Pack Orchestra & Singers
- Power Play
- Power Salad
- Power Symphony
- Powerhouse
- Powerixtix
- Powermad
- Powerman 5000
- Powerplant
- Powersolo
- Powerspace
- PowerTrump
- Powervice
- Powerwolf
- Powerworld
- Poze
- Pozo Seco Singers
- Prades Festival Orchestra
- Prag
- Praga Festival Orchestra
- Praga Sinfonica Orquesta
- Prago Union
- Prague Chamber Choir
- Prague Chamber Orchestra
- Prague Festival Chorus
- Prague Festival Orchestra
- Prague National Theatre Orchestra
- Prague Opera Orchestra
- Prague Philharmonia---[replace by 217608]
- Prague Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
- Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
- Prague Radio Chorus
- Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra
- Prague String Quartet
- Prague Symphony Orchestra
- Prague Symphony Orchestra
- Prague Wind Quintet
- Praha Choir
- Prahl And Grønholm Blues Quartet
- Prairie Cartel
- Praise Cats featuring Andrea Love
- Praise Hymn Tracks
- Prajakta Shukre
- Prajna
- Pralay
- Prano The Don
- Pravda
- Praxis
- Pray For Rain
- Pre.Shrunk
- Preachas In The Hood
- Preaching To The Choir
- Precedens
- Precious
- Precious Moment
- Precious X Project
- Precision Tunes
- Predator & Art of Fighters
- Prefab Sprout
- Prego
- Prelow
- Prelude
- Preluders
- Premature Ejaculation
- Premonition 13
- Prepared Like A Bride
- Present
- Present Past
- Preservation Hall Jazz Band
- President
- President Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Presidente
- Presidents of the United States of America
- Presizzo
- Presnyakov V.P.
- Pressure Point
- Preston / Menuhin
- Preston Gunderson
- Pretenders
- Pretre, G/ Callas, M/ Choeur Du Theatre
- Pretty Baby
- Pretty Boy Cross Over
- Pretty Boy Crossover
- Pretty Boy Floyd
- Pretty Boy Haters
- Pretty Good Dance Moves
- Pretty in Pink
- Pretty Maids
- Pretty Poison
- Pretty Ricky
- Pretty Ugly
- pRex & ErtalDawg
- Prey For Raine
- PRFFTT & Svyable
- Pribuzni
- Price Of Blood
- Priceless Da Roc
- Pride & Glory
- Pride Of Lions
- Pride Tiger
- Priessnitz
- Priestess
- Prima J
- Prima Vista
- Primal Fear
- Primal Rock Rebellion
- Primal Scream
- Primary Slave
- Primavera Chamber Ensemble
- Primax
- Prime 33
- Prime Circle
- Prime Sound
- Prime STH
- Prime Suspects
- Primer
- Primer 55
- Primer Imperio
- Primeros Pasos
- Primitive Baptist Choir Of North Carolina
- Primitive Radio Gods
- Primordial
- Primus
- Prince & The Revolution
- Prince Club
- Prince Fatty
- Prince Innocence
- Prince Ital Joe & Marky Mark
- Prince of Spain
- Princess
- Princess La´Jai
- Princess One Point Five
- Princess The Rapper
- Princeton
- Principals of the London Symphony Orchestra
- Prinsens Orkester
- Prinzes Pamella
- Prinzhorn Dance School
- Prior World
- Pripjat
- Priscila & Yudi
- Priscilla Mariano & Rodrigo Di Castro
- Priscilla Stewart
- Priscilla Sucks
- Prism Theory
- Pristina
- Private
- Private Angus
- Private Lounch
- Private Lounge
- Priya Sisters
- Prljavo Kazaliste
- Pro Arte Orchestra
- Pro Arte Orchestra Of London
- Pro Arte Quartet
- Pro Era
- Pro Musica Simphony Orchestra
- Pro Pain
- Pro>Tech
- Problems
- Procession
- Procol Harum
- Procyon Project
- Prodigy
- Product of Grace
- Produkt 13
- Proem
- Prof. Johnson & His Gospel Singers
- Profane Omen
- Profanum
- Profesion Norteña
- Professional Murder Music
- Professional Sinnerz
- Professor
- Professor Angel Dust & The PH Force
- Professor E!
- Professor RJ Ross
- Profil
- Profilers
- Profyle
- Progenitor
- Program The Dead
- Progressive Four
- Progressiver presents FineSky
- Prohrala v Kartach
- Project .44
- Project 155
- Project 314
- Project 44
- Project 46
- Project 86
- Project Born
- Project Dark
- Project for a Better Dream
- Project Group
- Project Grudge
- Project Jenny, Project Jan
- Project Lionheart
- Project One
- Project Pitchfork
- Project Playaz
- Project Pop
- Project ZLUST
- Project: Big House
- Project: Storm
- Projecto Camaleao Azul
- Projectus
- prok
- Prolong the Agony
- Promatic
- Promethium Sphere
- PrOmid & Omid Mahramzadeh
- Promise and the Monster
- Promise Land
- Promo & Tha Playah
- Promoe
- Prong
- Pronoian Made
- Prop Og Berta
- Propaganda
- Propellerheads
- Prophecy
- Prophet
- Prophetic Voice
- Prophets Of Rage
- Prostitute Disfigurement
- Protagonist
- Protassov
- Protecto
- Protein
- Protest The Hero
- Proton Accelerator
- Protosun
- Proud
- Proudly People
- Prova d´Orchestra
- Provoke,Destroy
- Prox
- Prozac+
- Prozaq Nation
- Prune
- Prva Liga
- Prymary Colorz
- Pryslezz feat. Jason Derulo
- Prysm
- Prāta Vētra
- PS Die Partyschweine
- PS I Love You
- PS-DJz
- Psallette De Lorraine And Pierre Cao
- Psalm 100
- Psalteria
- Psapp
- Pseudo Echo
- Pseudo Heroes
- Psi vojaci
- Psideralica
- Psophos Quartet
- PSQ (Palmetto State Quartet)
- Psy 4 De La Rime
- Psyched Up Janis
- Psychic Fair
- Psychic Ills
- Psychic Jail
- Psychic TV
- Psycho Current
- Psycho Key
- Psycho Kitten
- Psycho Realm
- Psycho Teddy
- Psychobud
- Psychopathic Rydas
- Psychoplasma
- Psychopomps
- Psychopunch
- Psychorama
- Psychotic Waltz
- Psyclon Nine
- Psyco Drama
- Psycore
- Psyko Punkz
- Psykosonik
- Psykup
- Pt. Hridaynath Mangeshkar
- Pteradactyl
- Pterodactyl
- PTH (Part Time Heroes)
- PtyLtd
- Public Access TV
- Public Announcement
- Public Enemy
- Public Image Limited
- Public Lo Mein
- Public Menace
- Public Service Broadcasting
- Public Symphony
- Public Toys
- Pudding
- Puddle Of Mudd
- Pudge
- Puella
- Puente Celeste
- Puerto Muerto
- Puffball
- Puggy
- Pugwash
- Puissance
- Pulaski
- Pulefano And The Polynesians
- Pulkas
- Pull In Emergency
- Pull The Pin
- Pulled Apart By Horses
- Puller
- Pulley
- Pullman Porters Quartette
- Pulp
- Pulsar
- Pulse Percussion Ensemble
- Pulse Ultra
- Pumpkinhead
- Punch Brothers
- Punch In Mouth
- Punchdrunk
- Punchline
- Pungent Stench
- Punishment Of Luxury
- Punjab
- Punjab Orchestra
- Punk Freakz
- Punk Lurex
- PuNk3FuNk
- Punkh
- Punsapaya
- Puny Human
- Pupi Campo
- Pupil
- Puppetmastaz
- Puppypet
- Pur
- Pura Utopia
- Purcell Consort Of Voices
- Pure
- Pure Bathing Culture
- Pure Bliss
- Pure Drama
- Pure Dream
- Pure Energy
- Pure Gamma
- Pure Gold
- Pure Orange Feat. Shane Nolan
- Pure Prairie League
- Pure Reason Revolution
- Pure Skye
- Pure X
- Pure13
- pureNRG
- Pures Glück
- Puressence
- Puretone
- Pureza
- Purged
- Purification
- Purified In Blood
- Purity Ring
- Puro Apronte
- Puro Instinct
- Purple City
- Purple Mushroom
- Purple Rhapsody
- Purple Stories
- Pursuit Of Happiness
- Puscifer
- Push Button Objects
- Push Down & Turn
- Push Play
- Push Pull
- Pusher
- Pushing Red Buttons
- Pushrods
- Puss N Boots
- Pussy Dub Foundation
- Pussycat
- Pustki
- Pustulated
- Putbus Festival Orchestra
- Puteraeon
- Putrefy
- Putridity
- Puts Outs
- Putxinel Lis Claca
- Puya
- Puzzles Crew
- Pygmee Twilite
- Pygmy Children
- Pyhät Tepot
- Pylon (band)
- Pyogenesis
- Pyramaze
- Pyramid Peak
- Pyrexia
- Pythia
- Pyxida
- Pyyramids
- Pzk
- Pólo Norte
- 波兰室内乐团
- 帕维尔·哈斯四重奏团